Join Re-Authoring


Each month we focus on a different theme as a starter dough for invigorating conversation. Members can join us in real time and also review archived materials.

December 19, 2021 Collab Salon: An Introduction to Narcissism and Narcissistic Abuse Through the Narrative Lens

This conversation was an introduction to Narcissism and Narcissistic Abuse using a Narrative Lens. B's hope is that this introduction will help clinicians notice when they may have a client who has been victimized by a narcissistic person, while listening to the experiences and feelings that the client describes. This introduction also aims to offer clinicians some new language to more precisely describe and discuss the most notable signs of this type of abuse – isolation, gaslighting, triangulation, and coercive control. Moreover, we will be able to discuss and create language that bridges the gap between a narrative approach, which entails curiosity, deconstruction, and externalized language, and a Narcissistic Abuse Recovery perspective that tends to be more psychoeducational and directive in its approach.

2021-12-26T17:07:19-05:00October 3rd, 2020|Comments Off on December 19, 2021 Collab Salon: An Introduction to Narcissism and Narcissistic Abuse Through the Narrative Lens

March 21, 2021 Collab Salon: How to Rebuild a Company’s Identity after a Workplace Suicide

The international development of the narrative approach has allowed narrative ideas to inspire interventions in a wide range of areas. In particular, over the last 15 years or so, these ideas have been transposed into the world of business and organizations. Narrative coaches offer to accompany managers, teams and all working communities in exploring the meaning of their work and how the dominant economic discourses create or reinforce situations of power and privilege in the companies. One of the most sensitive areas of this new field of action for narrative ideas is the accompaniment of suffering communities, either through psychosocial risks, burnout, bore-out, or even « return-out » (since the lockdown). There is a particular circumstance where they are very relevant: in those very frequent tragedies that are suicides in the workplace. Beyond this Collab salon, several projects are envisaged: setting up a Consulting Group to deepen all these subjects and bring concrete tools to all international colleagues interested in it, and perhaps the first book in English on the subject. But the first step is to present an overview of corporate narrative practices, as well as a few stories that will show that the power and poetry of narrative ideas bring to the business world the political, therapeutic and ethical perspective it so often lacks.                                                                        

2021-03-23T05:53:18-04:00September 29th, 2020|1 Comment

July 18, 2021 Collab Salon: Building Connections Between the Immigrant Rights Movement and Narrative Therapy

How have the immigrant rights movement and immigrant rights voices resisted the negative dominant discourses about immigrants? What discourses and language has the immigrant rights movement and immigrant leaders created? How has this discourse and language evolved and influenced, how clients story themselves, and their lives. Nidya -  a formerly undocumented immigrant therapist - will discuss the connections she has found and utilized between the  immigrant rights movement and Narrative Therapy and how these have inspired her therapeutic work with clients.

2021-07-20T07:59:33-04:00September 29th, 2020|1 Comment

March 29, 2020 SPECIAL Collab Salon: Together Enduring COVID-19

This FREE Together Enduring Covid-19 Special Collab was a time for people in our community around the world to get together. We' began with an original song by Pierre Blanc-Sahnoun (Bordeaux), before hearing Voices from the Future from Hong Kong, Italy, west coast USA talking about life/tips that they are learning while a couple a weeks ahead of many of us; . We met in small breakout groups and then in the larger community, checking in and also focusing on such topics as living with children at home; self care (what we are discovering helps); working with the effects of isolation; sharing resources/reaching out to community and neighbors/Neighborly ways of being.

2020-03-31T07:23:13-04:00March 23rd, 2020|0 Comments

February 15, 2015: Escaping Blame with Larry Zucker

It was a thrill- a dream come true- to bring together people from around the world to exchange with Larry Zucker- and each other- about Larry's work with couples - Escaping blaming frames of reference and engaging a different approach to conversation. A big extra thank you to everyone who helped us officially launch The Collab Salon, and especially to Larry for your generosity and skill in bringing your ideas to us in this new format.

2019-12-29T05:31:44-05:00November 9th, 2019|Comments Off on February 15, 2015: Escaping Blame with Larry Zucker

June 19, 2016 Collab: Centering Ethics in Group Supervision

What are narrative approaches to supervision? How does a group co-create respectful ways of exploring complex concerns and challenges that reflect the ethics of a just and accountable community?  Shona and Vikki invited us into a conversation about supervision practices that contribute to a reinvigoration of professional identity,  keep faith with what is given value, and build on an ethic of justice-doing. This online gathering welcomed old members as well as a number of  Collab Salon members experiencing Zoom for the first time. 

2019-12-29T07:30:15-05:00November 8th, 2019|0 Comments

JUNE 21 2020: Counter-Story Practices with Youth Who Committed a Sexual Offense with Mauricio P. Yabar (Richmond, Virginia USA)

"Given the current state of the world, this workshop will address how the pandemic has affected service delivery for adolescent sex offenders and their families, especially youth receiving treatment in residential settings.. Sexual offenses committed by youth occur more often than some people might choose to accept. Youth who are convicted of a sexual crime are usually court-mandated to attend treatment. Offense-specific treatment makes little, if any distinction between types of offenses, age of youth, and other important factors such environmental influences or history of mental health challenges or trauma. There is a lot of research on youth sex offenders, but there seems to be a gap in understanding the effects of being labeled a “sex offender” by the court system, as well as by treatment providers, and how all this affects mental health and identity. Therapy with youth who committed a sexual offense should also address ways to heal from the harm of being labeled a sex offender. Narrative ideas and counter-story practices are creative ways to therapeutically engage youth. Because narrative therapy is non-judgmental and collaborative, it presents an opportunity to counter-story problems related to being labeled a sex offender. By prioritizing these youths’ mental health and counter-storying damaging self-narratives, therapists can potentially interrupt a cycle of abuse and other self-destructive patterns of behavior; and by doing this, they can assist their clients envision new possibilities for their futures." Mauricio P. Yabar                                                                        

2020-06-23T05:57:44-04:00October 5th, 2019|1 Comment

May 17, 2020 Collab Salon: Neurodiversity and Narrative Practice

What is your comfort level when working with someone who does not readily engage in conversation? What happens when a child is not quickly answering your questions? What do you do when the child is wandering the room and engaging in repetitive noises and actions? Courtney Olinger and Will Sherwin will share some ways that Narrative approaches can be utilized to support Neurodiversity and engage children with diverse levels of skills and abilities. They will explore ways that children with communication challenges and/or differences in play development can be centered in the circulation of their preferred experiences, identity and connections. Given the current COVID home confinement, they will also share some of their current experiences engaging children and families through Telehealth.

2021-03-18T14:53:57-04:00September 23rd, 2019|Comments Off on May 17, 2020 Collab Salon: Neurodiversity and Narrative Practice

September 20, 2020 Collab Salon: Conversation between Liberation Psychology and Narrative ideas-practices

"In my undergraduate studies in El Salvador I was exposed to the writings of one of LP’s key contributors, the social psychologist Ignacio Martín-Baró, assassinated in 1989. His ideas and provocations resonated deeply with me, and even though my journey so far has been mostly as a therapist, I have tried to carry LP’s insights in some way or another. I was later introduced to Narrative therapy (NT) and its philosophical foundations in the master’s program in Marriage and Family Therapy at San Diego State University. I could not help but to draw connections between LP and NT, even though associated to different sub-fields of psychology and coming from distant parts of the world. This Collab session deliberately invites these two models into dialogue, with the goal of enriching one another, lifting up the value of interdisciplinarity, and for this case, emphasize how NT can benefit from approaches from the Global South." Juan Carlos García Rivera (Choco)

2020-09-23T13:42:52-04:00September 23rd, 2019|Comments Off on September 20, 2020 Collab Salon: Conversation between Liberation Psychology and Narrative ideas-practices

November 15, 2020 Collab Salon: Collectivising Narrative Therapy: Performance, collaboration and community in the anti-anorexia league

This Collab Salon will bring together people from around the world with contributions to the Archive of Resistance: Anti-anorexia/Anti-bulimia. We  hope to explore the following questions: *What are the possibilities and limitations of collectivised narrative therapy within the league of anti anorexia? *What could collective collaboration between insiders and outsiders look like?  How could it work?* What learnings can be found through the political movements that are happening around the world that serve as examples of the power of networks in seeking healing and justice? Kitty Thatcher & Dave Villfaña (Santiago, Chile)

2020-11-18T06:26:18-05:00September 22nd, 2019|Comments Off on November 15, 2020 Collab Salon: Collectivising Narrative Therapy: Performance, collaboration and community in the anti-anorexia league

July 19, 2020 Collab Salon: How to live whilst dying? What children and young people with a Life Limiting Illness (LLI), can teach us about living

"Given the current realities of the COVID-19 pandemic the narratives around living and dying, choice and decision making, facing our own mortality, are all more paramount than ever and what is perceived as something that affects others and is ‘rare’ has come very much into everybody’s everyday life.  Whilst my work has always focused on children and families I hope the lessons they have taught me will be transferable to many situations and leave everyone with some thoughts to take away and consider both personally and professionally." Dr Claire Cooley, Kent United Kingdom

2020-08-16T17:07:49-04:00September 20th, 2019|Comments Off on July 19, 2020 Collab Salon: How to live whilst dying? What children and young people with a Life Limiting Illness (LLI), can teach us about living