Rich Story Development in Action:
3 Live Interviews with Maggie Carey
Course Description

What does it look like in narrative practice to see problems as separate from persons, to take on a multi-storied approach, and to find openings to stories linking people to their know-how and skills? This five lesson course – the second course in our Rich Story Development series- begins where we left off in the course, An Introduction to Rich Story Development by demonstrating what a narrative interview actually looks like in practice. We look closely at three interviews with interviewer Maggie Carey in front of a live audience at All Souls Gathering in Shelburne, Vermont. Workshop participants reflect on and engage their own rich story development questions, and are also invited to ask Maggie questions about her questioning.
Each interview, illustrated on a whiteboard, shows key narrative principles in action, and specific interviewing skills guided by maps of narrative practice. Workshop participants are also involved through reflecting teamwork, and responses to questions to Maggie about why she went the way she did in each interview. After reviewing the edited interviews, a small group of skillful narrative practitioners and teachers from around of the world, each of whom has trained extensively with Maggie, come together to take a close look at what stands out to them.
Narrative therapy rests on the belief that we become who we are through relationship and meaning-making through interactions with each other. Having constructed this course during the pandemic, we are also sensitive to many therapists, coaches, teachers and students expressing being “zoomed out.” Rather than scheduling additional online meetings, we made the entire course self-paced. Each of the three interview-based lessons ends with an exercise with questions to ponder. We strongly recommend finding at least one other person with whom to take the course and share your responses. Ideally, take this course as part of a local study group or use it as a way to bring together a new group. Alternatively, please Contact us if you would like help finding a Study-Buddy; keep in mind it will easier for us to do so if you have registered at a time when others are also registering such as during the Early Bird period.
Registration gives unlimited access to all course materials for personal use for an unlimited time. You can start this course at anytime: all course materials are available on-demand, and adaptable to personal schedules. For an additional $25, registrants can earn 10 APA approved CE credits through Alliant International University.
We believe this course and its three interviews make excellent teaching materials for graduate training programs Please contact us for an institutional rate if you wish to use these materials for other than personal use.

Maggie Carey
In this course, Maggie Carey demonstrates narrative interviewing practices that she learned as a close associate of Michael White, co-founder of narrative therapy. Maggie was a founding member of Narrative Practices Adelaide, the center Michael started in 2008, just a few months before his untimely death. Alongside her colleagues Shona Russell and Rob Hall, she was involved in the teaching of narrative therapy and community work for many years, both in Australia and internationally. Prior to the establishment of NPA, Maggie was a cherished member of the Dulwich Centre teaching faculty. Now retired, Maggie thoroughly enjoys engaging with her home, gardens, family and community in Adelaide, S. Australia.
Registration for this Self-Paced Course
Sliding Fee Structure
Tuition for these courses—along with donations—is how we fund the creation and sustenance of this website and the community it aims to facilitate. While our courses provide APA Approved Alliant CEs, we’re most interested in developing Re-Authoring Teaching into a generative community that grows and sustains Narrative Therapy and each other for years to come. Our new tiered pricing structure—subsidized, regular sustaining, and patron—reflects our best efforts to realize that dream. Re-Authoring Teaching Members receive a 10 % discount. Please select the highest rate you can pay:
- Sustaining (Regular) Rate will help us recover costs to produce this course and sustain our website: $150 USD.
- Sustaining Re-Authoring Teaching (RT) Member 10 % Discount: $135 USD.
- The Subsidized Rate is a reduced fee for those who face financial barriers that prevent them from paying the regular fee: $125 USD.
- Subsidized RT Member Rate 10 % Discount: $112 USD.
- Patron is for anyone who can afford additional financial support to help support our community and resources: $225 USD.
- Patron RT Member 10% Discount: $202 USD.
- Donations are open to anyone who can afford to contribute to our Nonprofit Organization, which includes developing future courses, resources, and other offerings.
Please contact us if you would like a rate for a group of four or more, higher education, or if you require a further reduced fee due to current circumstances.
Earning Continuing Education?
Psychologists and other mental health professionals can earn 10 APA-approved Continuing Education credits through Alliant International University! You will need to pay the extra $25 fee. Simply pass the quiz at the end of the course, fill out the Alliant evaluation, and email your confirmation to We will then email you the certificate for 10 CEs.
When you purchase the course
If you have already registered, access course here:
Course Objectives
Participants will:
- Gain an understanding of an overall map of narrative practice that links various micro-practices of narrative therapy
- Synthesize an understanding of and engagement with rich story development
- Understand the importance of detailed inquiry in achieving rich story development
- Identify the process of rich story development through witnessing the visual mapping of conversations
- Demonstrate an ability to engage rich story development through reflecting team practices.
Lesson Descriptions

Lesson One: Setting the Stage
We introduce Maggie and the course, offer several guiding narrative principles and give a brief review of maps of narrative practice.

Lesson Two: “In the Movement of Time”
This interview beautifully illustrates a mother’s intention of “keeping love alive” while navigating the challenging effects of her young son’s relationship to distraction and impulsivity. Through unpacking the problem story and charting the history of her lived preferences through rich story development, specific intentions (both mindful and somatic) are discovered, enabling profound expressions of a mother’s love for her son. Includes two ‘stop and start’ interactions with audience members reflecting on the process.

Lesson Three: “Sitting with Good Discomfort”
A young man addressing relational challenges in response to sobriety, along with his passion as both artist and therapist propel this conversation through inspiring discoveries, all illustrated on a whiteboard. Questions like ‘Why does that matter to you?’ and “What were you caring about in that moment?’ reveal specific values at the heart of this man’s intentions for his life. Includes reflecting team responses in addition to audience members asking the interviewer questions about her questioning.
Three Narrative Colleagues -Alfonso Diaz (Mexico City), Jehanzeb Baldiwala & Raviraj Shetty (Mumbai, India) – reflect on Maggie Carey’s interview with Jon

Lesson Four: “More Than a Diagnosis”
This provocative conversation illustrates the navigation of high emotional affect in addressing challenging dynamics among diverse family members. Through the mapping of rich story development, a mother identifies common ground (“walking the line”) that both engages her love (“keeping connection”) while resisting the negative effects (“the pushing”) on her transgender son. Poignant personal reflections from reflecting team members enhance the rich story development within this conversation.
Having watched Maggie’s interview with Linda (“More than a Diagnosis”), Alfonzo Diaz (Valle de Bravo, Mexico), Angela Voght (Vancouver, Canada), Raviaj Shetty (Mumbai, India), Sonja Bar-Am (Adelaide, S. Australia), Terry Callahan (Adelaide) and Mark Bryne (Adelaide) reflect on what stood out to each of them.

Lesson Five: Bringing It All Together
What are some of the take-aways and how might practitioners and teachers – across narrative generations and with a diversity of voices – make creative use of this course?