
September 18, 2022 Collab Salon: Getting Kicked Out of School & Redeeming Your Reputation

David Epston has invented many imaginative, and startlingly successful ways of disappearing problems for children and young people, which he has documented in stories from his practice in many publications. While the August 2022 Collab focuses on reviving David's longstanding work with the problem of stealing, this complementary Collab will introduce an approach for those young people who have been stood down or have been threatened with expulsion from their high school.

2022-10-02T06:13:00-04:00September 3rd, 2021|Comments Off on September 18, 2022 Collab Salon: Getting Kicked Out of School & Redeeming Your Reputation

August 21, 2022 Collab Salon: Childhood Stealing & Learning How to Apply David Epston’s Inventions

David Epston has invented many imaginative, and startlingly successful ways of disappearing problems for children and young people, which he has documented in stories from his practice in many publications. This Collab revives David Epston's longstanding work with the problem of stealing, primarily with young people, which he developed in the last 70s/early 80s.

2022-08-24T13:14:23-04:00September 2nd, 2021|0 Comments

August 15, 2021 Collab Salon: Temper Tantrum Parties & Learning How to Apply David Epston’s Inventions

David Epston has invented many imaginative, and startlingly successful ways of disappearing problems for children & young people which he has documented in stories from his practice in many publications. I have found that using his ideas successfully within my own practice has required more of me than simply following the guidance in the  stories, and I have had failures along the way. In this Collab Salon, I will illustrate David’s approach to Temper Tantrums with using recent examples from my own practice to children & young people which have been successful in just two sessions. I will also touch on what I am a learning so far about applying David’s remarkable inventions. Kay Ingamells

2022-04-30T16:57:58-04:00October 27th, 2020|Comments Off on August 15, 2021 Collab Salon: Temper Tantrum Parties & Learning How to Apply David Epston’s Inventions

Working with Couples Consultation Group Waiting List

This consultation group is for people who have taken—or are taking—Larry Zucker's online course: Escaping Blame: Helping Couples Develop Account-ability. We hope that this group will provide you an exciting opportunity to develop your narrative practice with couples in a small, safe and supportive context. We will divide the time up evenly so that everyone gets their share of the group’s support. We will develop clear guidelines for presenting our work and our questions to each other. We will meet monthly to give ample time to experiment with ideas and methods between meetings. Limited to 8 participants. Contact us to be put on the waiting list.

2022-04-05T21:29:53-04:00June 10th, 2020|0 Comments

February 15, 2015: Escaping Blame with Larry Zucker

It was a thrill- a dream come true- to bring together people from around the world to exchange with Larry Zucker- and each other- about Larry's work with couples - Escaping blaming frames of reference and engaging a different approach to conversation. A big extra thank you to everyone who helped us officially launch The Collab Salon, and especially to Larry for your generosity and skill in bringing your ideas to us in this new format.

2019-12-29T05:31:44-05:00November 9th, 2019|Comments Off on February 15, 2015: Escaping Blame with Larry Zucker

JUNE 21 2020: Counter-Story Practices with Youth Who Committed a Sexual Offense with Mauricio P. Yabar (Richmond, Virginia USA)

"Given the current state of the world, this workshop will address how the pandemic has affected service delivery for adolescent sex offenders and their families, especially youth receiving treatment in residential settings.. Sexual offenses committed by youth occur more often than some people might choose to accept. Youth who are convicted of a sexual crime are usually court-mandated to attend treatment. Offense-specific treatment makes little, if any distinction between types of offenses, age of youth, and other important factors such environmental influences or history of mental health challenges or trauma. There is a lot of research on youth sex offenders, but there seems to be a gap in understanding the effects of being labeled a “sex offender” by the court system, as well as by treatment providers, and how all this affects mental health and identity. Therapy with youth who committed a sexual offense should also address ways to heal from the harm of being labeled a sex offender. Narrative ideas and counter-story practices are creative ways to therapeutically engage youth. Because narrative therapy is non-judgmental and collaborative, it presents an opportunity to counter-story problems related to being labeled a sex offender. By prioritizing these youths’ mental health and counter-storying damaging self-narratives, therapists can potentially interrupt a cycle of abuse and other self-destructive patterns of behavior; and by doing this, they can assist their clients envision new possibilities for their futures." Mauricio P. Yabar                                                                        

2025-01-22T23:05:19-05:00October 5th, 2019|1 Comment

April 19, 2020 Collab Salon: Reflections on practice with people who are suffering

As a counsellor working for hospice, I meet with people who are suffering, sometimes with unsolvable problems, as they live with serious illness and the knowledge of their approaching death.  What can these experiences offer to those of us facing suffering in many different contexts during this time of Covid-19 pandemic? Given the current context, this Collab is still evolving. I hope to share some of my reflections on practices that ease suffering. These include thoughts on how we create space for stories of suffering, how we respond to big stories day to day and questioning practices that can be significant in restoring a sense of meaning and agency. I look forward to hearing how you might apply such practices to your own context for work. To facilitate the discussion I will be providing a collaborative document to illustrate some of the narrative practices we will be reflecting on. Sasha Pilkington

2025-01-22T22:49:36-05:00September 12th, 2019|0 Comments

October 18, 2020 Collab Salon: Narrative Letter Writing Across Divides

During the sixteen years of my supervision & apprenticeship relationship with David Epston, David has taught me how to write narrative letters, including letters co-authored with clients.  Over the last couple of years, I have been inventing a new letter-writing practice: Co-authoring letters with clients to other family members with whom there has been a rift,  or where important issues have not been spoken about. If you would like to learn how to bring a new type of letter writing into your work,  do join us!  Kay Ingamells

2020-10-21T05:34:32-04:00September 8th, 2019|0 Comments

Apprenticeship in Advanced Narrative Practice

Apprenticeship in Advanced Narrative Practice with David Epston, Dr. Tom Carlson and Kay Ingamells Beginning February and July 2017 Have you ever marveled at the practice of David Epston and longed to bring the magic of his practice into your own? This unique course is designed to serve as an apprenticeship in the artistry of narrative practice.  Rather, than being taught in a traditional way, your learning will happen through an [...]

2019-12-29T07:42:36-05:00January 23rd, 2017|0 Comments