Our Refreshing our Spirit in the Work series focuses on small, local workshops in the Champlain Valley of Vermont as well as Narrative Camp on Lake Champlain.  These offerings are guaranteed to be infused with the Vermont spirit of collaboration, restoration, and down-to-earth outdoor fun.  Sasha Pilkington (Auckland, New Zealand) will return to Vermont October 26, 2020 to offer the one-day workshop  Therapeutic Conversations with People Who are Suffering at the End of Life (Eastview at Middlebury). Plans are underway for Narrative Camp 2021 to be held during the second week of June at The Rockpoint Center in Burlington Vermont (in addition to cottage rentals).
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Sasha Pilkington Returns to Vermont!

Therapeutic Conversations with People Who are Suffering At the End of Life
October 26, 2020: Eastview at Middlebury
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Past Workshops & Gatherings

Narrative Reverberations: Community Conversations Around the World and Across Generations

 Narrative Camp

June 14-21, 2019 (4 or 7 day options)

Narrative Camp 2019 brought together a  diverse blend of practitioners & teachers of different ages and different languages from around the world to take turns interviewing each other about the past, present and future of Narrative Therapy.  We thought of this Narrative Camp as a Definitional Ceremony, with several of us approaching retirement being interviewed by younger folks, some of whom know each other personally. We will then reversed the process to interview fresher voices in the field about what excites them most about directions in their work. At other times, participants  joined up in different cottages around shared narrative themes.  Plans are already underway for our next camp in June 2021!

A Narrative Approach to Therapeutic Conversations at the End of Life

Monday, Oct 29, 2018

with Sasha McAllum Pilkington

EastView at Middlebury

This one-day workshop began our new Refreshing the Spirit of the Work series of small Vermont workshops in the Champlain Valley. What a gift! We will post more reflections shortly.

Are you meeting with people living with a serious illness, facing life-ending illness and/or loved ones grieving after someone has died?  What guides your approach to these conversations? Or are you interested in narrative practices and extending your skills? Through case stories, transcript and an audio recording, Sasha McAllum Pilkington will share a narrative approach to therapeutic conversations that focus on:  listening for virtue, companioning, making meaning and enhancing a person’s sense of agency. Please join us for a lively exchange of ideas about serving people as they approach the end of their lives, and their families who support them.


Let us know your suggestions for additional training topics, presenters and guest visitors to Vermont.