Narrative Practices & Emotions

A Workshop Series & Book Launch

13 Alliant CEs Approved!

with Marie-Nathalie Beaudoin & Gerald Monk

Four Three-Hour Online Workshops

January 22, February 12, March 18, April 1, 2024
4:00 – 7:00 pm EST

NOTE: Switch to EDT starting Sun, Mar 10, 2024

Book Launch

Monday, March 4, 2024
4:00 – 5:30 EST

The new workshop series Narrative Practices and Emotions provides thoughtful perspectives on how to integrate classic narrative therapy ideas with invigorating possibilities of working directly with emotions without losing sight of socio-cultural factors. Practitioners will discover a wide variety of ways to empower people of all ages to reengage with a meaningful life, sustain well-being, and develop thriving identities, even in the aftermath of extreme situations, traumas, or being stuck in the common struggles of life.

Building on decades of powerful exploration of the mind-body connection, this engaging series offers a wealth of clinical questions, embodied exercises, and conversation maps. Exemplified by inspiring clinical videos, it proposes a long-awaited way to combine effective narrative practices with cutting-edge discoveries on mindfulness, Interpersonal Neurobiology, and positive psychology.

You can register now for the entire series at a discount. Re-Authoring Teaching members get further discounts. Registration for the first event is now open for those who prefer not to register for the entire series. Earn 13 CE credit for the entire series.

Worried about missing an event in the series? We will record each session without the confidential clinical videos. Each recording will be available to registrants for two weeks after the event.

First Two Three-Hour Online Workshops

Online Workshop #1:

Helping People Beyond the Preferred Self:
Concrete strategies to develop a more intense, sustainable, and flourishing self

with Marie-Nathalie Beaudoin

Monday, January 22, 2024, 4-7 pm EST

Revolutionary findings in positive psychology, mindfulness, and interpersonal neurobiology shed light on new flourishing possibilities in conjunction with narrative therapy’s focus on helping people overcome problems and navigate lives in accordance with their values, purposes, and dreams. Through videotapes of clinical applications, Marie-Nathalie will detail several practices that result in people being fueled by their values in small and big ways and beyond the classic definition of a preferred self.

 Online Workshop #2:

Interpersonal Neurobiologically-Informed Narrative Therapy: Accelerating emotion regulation and facilitating re-authoring

with Marie-Nathalie Beaudoin

Monday, February 12, 2024, 4-7 pm EST

In this workshop, Marie-Nathalie will share some of the practices she has developed over twenty years of examining the rich intersection between narrative practices and Interpersonal Neurobiology (IPNB).  Participants will learn four categories of brain processes, including many powerful questions to expand our repertoire of practices.  Those questions will be organized by type and purpose, practiced through exercises, illustrated by videos, and exemplified in inspiring stories of transformation.

Book Launch

Narrative Practice & Emotions: 40+ Ways to Support the Emergence of Flourishing Identities 

with Marie-Nathalie Beaudoin & Gerald Monk

Monday, March 4, 2024, 4-5:30 pm EST

Narrative Practices and Emotions is a beautifully crafted book that provides fresh perspectives for new and experienced practitioners on how to combine classic narrative therapy with the latest scholarship on the mind-body connection.

This inspiring text keeps a keen eye on the socio-cultural backdrop that is intimately shaping peoples’ lives while tapping into cutting-edge discoveries on mindfulness, interpersonal neurobiology, and positive psychology. Each chapter offers a wealth of clinical questions and embodied exercises. Conversation maps that provide important guideposts to practitioners are exemplified by engaging transcripts of therapeutic work.

As the book unfolds, readers discover a wide variety of ways to assist people of all ages in re-engaging with a meaningful life and sustaining well-being despite struggles with job search, parenting, conflicts, or even pre-verbal traumatic experiences. The compelling stories elegantly demonstrate that skillful conversations can invigorate hope and support the emergence of flourishing identities.

Two More Workshops

Online Workshop #3:

Exploring centered, decentered, and “co-centered” therapeutic postures in influential conversations:

Bridging verbal theory and non-verbal practices

with Marie-Nathalie Beaudoin & Gerald Monk

Monday, March 18, 2024, 4-7 pm EDT

 Developed and tested in trainings over the last few years, the concept of co-centering has helped many people new to narrative ideas and also experienced practitioners, adjust to the constant ebb and flow of affective expressions taking place in relational dyads. Co-centering involves three levels of awareness which influence how practitioners can intentionally scaffold the affective conversational space to one where therapeutic movement and embodied possibilities emerge. Using clinical videotapes, interviews of trainees and practice exercises, we will propose ways for practitioners to embody decentered and affective dimensions in their work. When incorporated thoughtfully, therapeutic posture can provide a canvas for the dance of nonverbal and verbal expressions of clients and practitioners to evolve into fruitful re-authoring journeys.

Online Workshop #4:

Helping people re-engage with life after traumatic experiences:

Transformative work with stories, bodies, and identities

with Marie-Nathalie Beaudoin

Monday, April 1, 2024, 4-7 pm EDT

Working with people who have faced traumatic experiences involves considering complex dimensions such as the event’s nature and length, the threat’s intensity, self-protective attempts, relationships, experiences of self and others, physiological reactions, neural wiring of the experience, and outcome.  Marie-Nathalie will offer concrete ways of handling powerful transitions in therapeutic encounters through transcripts, examples, exercises, and videos of clinical conversations and will be applicable in many work settings, including work with children and adults.

Our Presenters

Introducing Marie-Nathalie Beaudoin

Marie-Nathalie Beaudoin, Ph.D., deeply cherishes nature and values being a mother, wife, activist, consultant, teacher, and compassionate practitioner. She was born and raised in Canada, is French speaking, loves cross-country skiing, dancing, rock climbing, and hiking snowy mountain peaks.

Marie-Nathalie directs Skills for Kids, Parents & Schools (SKIPS), a 9-month intense narrative therapy, neurobiology and mindfulness training program in California where she works with children, adults, families, and school communities. Prior to immersing herself in narrative therapy in the early 1990s, Marie-Nathalie had trained in Human Biology and Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction.  She now brings together fields that have influenced her life and work for the last 30 years, and as a result has pioneered narrative clinical practices to respond to distressing emotions and traumatic experiences.  She has written over 50 professional articles and many books such as the popular The SKiLL-ionaire in every child: Boosting childrens socio-emotional skills using the latest in brain research (2010), written for parents, teachers and counselors (French, English, Spanish).  She has also co-authored Collaborative Therapies and neurobiology: Evolving practices in action (Beaudoin & Duvall, 2017), and  Mindfulness in a busy world: Lowering barriers for youth & adults to cultivate focus, emotional peace & gratefulness (Beaudoin & Maki, 2021). Her latest book, co-authored with Gerald Monk is currently in press with WW Norton and titled: Narrative practices and emotions: 40+ ways to support the emergence of flourishing identities. It combines her lifelong passion for the immense possibilities inherent to our bodies and brains, with novel narrative practices inspired by Interpersonal Neurobiology, Sensorimotor Therapy, and Positive Psychology. With a background in improvisational theater and dance, MarieNathalie is well-known for her thought provoking and engaging presentations. Her websites are and

Marie-Nathalie is featured in our new online course, New Horizons in Narrative Therapy, Affect & the Body as well as a contributor to the course currently in development, Contemporary Narrative Therapy. In addition, she is a prolific writer (see below for a list of her publications).


  • Beaudoin, M.-N. And Monk, G. (In press). Narrative practices and emotions: 40+ ways to support the emergence of flourishing identities. WW. Norton.
  • Beaudoin, M.-N. & Maki, K.  (2020).  Mindfulness in a busy world: Lowering barriers for adults and youth to cultivate focus, emotional peace, and gratefulness.  Rowman & Littlefield. NY
  • Beaudoin, M.-N. & Duvall, J. (2017).  Collaborative therapy and neurobiology: Evolving practices in action. Routledge, Taylor & Francis, NY
  • Beaudoin, M.N. & Moureaux-Nery, F. (2015).  Les mille et une compétences en chaque enfant:  Prévenir et résoudre les difficultes sociales et émotionnelles a laide des découvertes en neurosciences. L’Harmattan, Paris, France.
  • Beaudoin, M.-N. (2014). Boosting ALL children’s social and emotional brain power: Life transforming activities.  Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin Press Publications.
  • Beaudoin, M.N. (2013).  mo hacer de cada niño un millonario en habilidades.  Madrid, Spain: EOS Instituto de Orientation de Psicologica Asociados and in Mexico: Editiones Zeus.
  • Beaudoin, M.N. (2010).  The SKiLL-ionaire in every child:  Boosting children’s socio-emotional skills using the latest in brain research.  San Francisco: Goshawk Publications.


  • Beaudoin, M.N. (2022 in press). Revisiting agency and choice in the face of trauma: A narrative therapy map.  Journal of Systemic Therapies, 41(4), 67-87.
  • Beaudoin, M.N. (2020). Affective double listening: 16 dimensions to explore affect, emotions and embodiment in narrative therapy. Journal of Systemic Therapie,39 (1), 1-28.
  • Beaudoin, M.N. & MacLennan, R. (2020).  Mindfulness and embodiment in family therapy: Overview, nuances, and clinical applications in poststructural practices.  Family Process, dot:10.1111/famp.12624.
  • Beaudoin, M.N. (July, 2019).  Intensifying the preferred self: Neurobiology, mindfulness, and embodiment practices that make a difference. The international journal of narrative therapy and community work, 2, 1-10.
  • Beaudoin, M.N (Fall, 2018).  Thinkitis vs Mindfulness.  Family Therapy Magazine, AAMFT, Sept-October, 36-40.
  • Beaudoin, M.N., Tan, A., Gannon, C., Moersch, M. (2018). A comparative study of the effects of 6,12, and 16 weeks of narrative therapy on social and emotional skills: An empirical analysis of 722 children’s problem solving accounts.  Journal of Systemic Therapie,36 (4), 57-73.
  • Beaudoin, M.N. (2016). Broadening the scope of collaborative therapies: Embodied practices arising from neurobiology, neurocardiology and neurogastroenterology, Journal of Systemic Therapie, 34(4), 1-12.
  • Beaudoin, M.N, Moersch, M., & Schnare, B.  (2016).  The effectiveness of narrative therapy with social and emotional skills development: An empirical study of 835 children’s stories. Journal of Systemic Therapies, 35(3), 42-60.
  • Beaudoin, M.-N. (2015).  Flourishing with Positive  Emotions: Increasing clients’ repertoire of Problem Counter-State.  Journal of Systemic Therapies. 34(3), 1-13.
  • Beaudoin, M.-N. (Jan, 2014).  Can new discoveries in brain research help us better prevent bullying?  Patio: Revista Pedagogica, 68, 10-13.
  • Beaudoin, M.N. & Zimmerman, J. (2011).  Narrative therapy and interpersonal neurobiology: Revisiting classic practices, developing new emphases.  Journal of Systemic Therapies, 30(1), 1-13.
  • Beaudoin, M.-N. (2008).  Therapeutic Movement and Stuckness in Family Therapy. Journal of Systemic Therapies, 27(2), 58-73.
  • Beaudoin, M.N. (2005).  Agency and choice in the face of trauma: A narrative therapy map.  Journal of Systemic Therapies, 24(4), 32-50.

Introducing Gerald Monk

Gerald Monk PhD (San Diego, California) is the former Director of the Marriage and Family Therapy Program in the Department of Counseling and School Psychology at San Diego State University. He is a practicing Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist, AAMFT Supervisor, and a Licensed Professional Clinical Counselor. His research and teaching interests include Affective therapy, narrative mediation & conflict resolution, constructionist & discursive theories, restorative practice, and mental health recovery.

Gerald is a Re-Authoring Teaching Board Member Emeritus, and his seminal work with Navid Zamani on Narrative Therapy & the Affective Turn is featured in our new online course, New Horizons in Narrative Therapy, Affect & the Body   Watch several of his students speak about Gerald “living what you teach” in this contribution to our What I learned from my mentor community project, And then review the list of his most recent publications.


Gerald Monk Publications


  • Beaudoin, M-N. & Monk, G., (2024) Narrative Practices and Emotions: 40+ Ways to Support the Emergence of Flourishing Identities
  • Monk, G., Winslade, J., Sinclair, S., m. polanco (2020) Intercultural counseling: Bridging the us and them divide
  • Monk, G., & Winslade, J. (2013). When stories clash: Addressing conflict in narrative mediation. Chagrin Falls, Ohio: Taos Institute. (Trans. Japanese, Danish and Russian).
  • Monk, G., Winslade, J., & Sinclair, S. (2008). New horizons in multicultural counseling. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
  • Winslade, J., & Monk, G. (2008). Practicing narrative mediation: Loosening the grip of conflict. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass. (Trans. Japanese).
  • Winslade, J., & Monk, G. (2007) Narrative counseling in schools: Powerful and brief. (Second Edition). Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin Press. (Trans. Japanese, Korean and Spanish).
  • Winslade, J., & Monk, G. (2000). Narrative mediation. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass. (Trans. Danish, Russian, Japanese).
  • Monk, G., Winslade, J. Crocket, K. & Epston, D. (Eds.) (1997). Narrative therapy in practice: The archaeology of hope. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass. (Trans. Japanese).

Recent Selected Journal Publications (2015-2020):

  • Falcón Orta, V. & Monk, G.(2020) Creating Change in Higher Education Through Transfronterizx Student-led Grassroots Initiatives in the San Diego-Tijuana Border Region, Journal of Borderlands Studies, DOI: 1080/08865655.2020.1735480
  • Monk, G., (in press). Using narrative mediation in healthcare following an unanticipated adverse event. In Appreciative and Relational Practices in Healthcare. Chagrin Falls. Ohio Taos Institute Publications.
  • Monk, G. & Winslade, J. (2020). Narrative mediation: A case study addressing conflict in higher education. In McNamee, M. Gergen, C. C. Borges, E. Rasera Handbook of Social Constructionist Practice.London: Sage.
  • Winslade, J. & Monk, G., (2020). Narrative mediation: What is it? In S. Cobb, S. Federman, & A. Castel. Introduction to conflict resolution.780-804. London: Rowman & Littlefield International.
  • Monk, G. & Zamani, N. (2019). Narrative therapy and the affective turn: Theoretical Concepts /Part One Journal of Systemic Therapies,38(2)1-19.
  • Darling, J.A., Moore, A. & Monk, G. (2019). Restoring connections through circles. In J. Kottler, S. Banu & S. Jani (Eds.). Handbook of refugee experience: trauma, resilience, and recovery.251-263. San Diego, California: Cognella Publishing.
  • Erickson, D. & Monk, G. (2018). Applying narrative therapy with young people who engage with video gaming. Journal of Systemic Therapies,37(1), pp.1-14.
  • Darling, J. & Monk, G. (2018). Constructing a Restorative School District. CollaborativeContemporary Justice Review: Issues in Criminal, Social, and Restorative Justice.21(1), 80-98.
  • Monk, G. & Zamani, N. (2018). Integrating emerging understandings of neuropsychology and affect for narrative therapy with couples.In M.B. Scholl & J.T. Hansen, (Eds.) Postmodern perspectives on contemporary counseling issues:  Approaches across diverse settings.233-260. New York: Oxford University Press.
  •  Ramirez, N. & Monk, G. (2017). Crossing borders: Narrative therapy with undocumented Mexican women on a journey beyond abuse and violence. Journal of Systemic Therapies,36(2), pp. 27-38.
  • Kahn, S. & Monk, G. (2017). Narrative supervision as a social practice. Journal of Systemic Therapies, 36(1), pp. 6-24
  • Winslade, J., & Monk, G. (2016). Mediacao Narrativa: Uma Abordagem Diferenciada Para A Resolucao De Conflitos. Perspectiva Sistemica XXV(54) 7-16.
  • Monk, G., Sinclair, S., & Nelson, M. (2015). Healthcare Professionals’ Use of Narrative Mediation to Address Disclosure and Apology in the Aftermath of Medical Errors. Conflict and Narrative: Explorations in Theory and Practice, 3, p. 1-19.
  • Monk, G., & Hancock, S. (2015). Recovering a Life with Severe Mental Illness. Psychologists and Peer Support Specialists working together. Psychology Aotearoa. 7(2) 112-118.