Our Training Team

  1. Our teammates have unique skills and experiences.  We draw from a wealth of counseling and teaching experiences to share what excites us most about these ways of working. Depending on the request, we bring together an experienced team.  If needed, we can easily bring in others to join us.
  2. Since 2008, Re-Authoring Teaching has experimented with creating online possibilities for creating a collaboratory based on what we cherish about narrative practice. Our approach to teaching and learning believes in learning through immersion, and practice, practice, practice.
  3. Our hybrid approach brings together in-person and online possibilities. Whenever relevant, we can tap into our library of online courses for further exploration of foundations and new horizons, rich story development, narrative therapy in action, and “where the buses don’t run yet.”
  4. Our offerings allow participants to engage with the presenters and each other. We love the challenge of creating interactive spaces for reflections and questions.


  1. The Radical Therapist #014 – Escaping Blame in Couples Therapy  Chris Hoff interviews Larry Zucker, LCSW, Sunday Jan 17, 2016.
  2. The Radical Therapist #050 – Em-Body-Ing Conversations: Integrating EMDR, Somatic-Oriented Approaches with Narrative,  Chris Hoff interviews Lynne Rosen. Monday Oct 01, 2018
  3. The Radical Therapist #077 – Narrative Therapy and the Affective Turn. Chris Hoff interviews Navid Zamani. Sunday Jun 21, 2020.
  4. The Radical Therapist #093 – Narrative Therapy – Past, Present, and Future. Chris Hoff interviews Peggy Sax, PhD,  Sunday Sep 12, 2021


Books & Articles

  1. Lang, Charley. July/August 2016. Narrative Therapy and the Treatment of Trauma, The Therapist, p 15-17,www.camft.org
  2. Eskioğlu, M.C, Lee, P.L, Snowdon, P. (2023) Unpacking together: therapeutic conversation as co-creation, Collateral Journal

  3. Lee, Poh Lin (2023) Our bodies as multi-storied communities: ethics & practices. Journal of Systemic Therapies.

  4. Lee, Poh Lin (2018). Narrative Practice and Sandplay: Practice-based stories of collaboration with people seeking asylum held in mandatory detention. Journal of Systemic Therapies, June 2018, Vol. 37, No. 2: 1–16.available

  5. La Revista Latinoamericana de Trabajo Social Clínico La Práctica Narrativa y la Caja de Arena: Prácticas Basadas en Historias de Colaboración con Personas que buscan asilo y que están en detención obligatoria

  6. Lee, Poh Lin (2017). Narrative conversations alongside Interpreters: A locally grown outsider-witness practice. International Journal of Narrative Therapy and Community Work, (4), 18–27. Danish translation by Dansk Forening for Systemisk og Narrativ Terapi og Konsultation available here section 1 & section 2

  7. Lee, Poh Lin (2012). Making now precious: Working with survivors of torture and asylum seekers. International Journal of Narrative Therapy and Community Work, (1), 1–9.

  8. Brady, G. (Director) with Lee P.L. (2018). Island of the hungry ghosts. Chromosom Film.
  9. Wang, X. & Lee, P.L. (In press) Chapter: fragments contain worlds: encounters between bodies in Decolonizing Bodies, Bloomsbury Press.

  10. Sax, Peggy (2013), Reclaiming community out of personal catastrophe: Communal practices that build on naturally sustaining webs. Journal of Systemic Therapies, Vol. 32, No.1, pp 30-42.
  11. Sax, Peggy (2008) Re-Authoring Teaching: Creating a collaboratory. Rotterdam/Taipei: Sense Publishers
  12. Sax, Peggy (2007) Finding common ground: Parents speak out about family-centered practices. Journal of Systemic Therapies, Vol. 26, No. 3, pp 72 -90.
  13. Sax, Peggy (2006) Developing preferred stories of identity as reflective practitioners. Vol 25, No. 4, pp 59-72.
  14. Sax, Peggy (1997). Narrative therapy and family support: Strengthening the mother’s voice in working with families with infants and toddlers. In Narrative Therapies with Children and Adolescents, edited by Craig Smith and David Nylund, NY: Guilford Press.
  15. Zamani, N. (2023). Domestic Violence Epistemology and its Effects on Couples’ Counselors (dissertation).

  16. polanco, m., Zamani, N., & Kim, C.D. (2021). Introduction. In M. Polanco, N. Zamani, & C. D. Kim (Eds.), Bilingualism, Culture, and Social Justice in Family Therapy. (pp. 39-46). Springer.

  17. Zamani, N., & Zamani, N. (2021). Doing Narrative Therapy in Fenglish. In M. Polanco, N. Zamani, & C. D. Kim (Eds.), Bilingualism, Culture, and Social Justice in Family Therapy. (pp. 39-46). Springer.

  18. polanco, m., Zamani, N., & Kim, C. D. (Eds.). (2021). Bilingualism, Culture, and Social Justice in Family Therapy. Springer.

  19. Zamani, N. J. (2020, October 4). I Laugh and Cry With These Men. San Diego Union Tribune.

  20. Monk, G., & Zamani, N. (2019). Narrative Therapy and the Affective Turn: Part I. Journal of Systemic Therapies, 38(2), 1-19.

  21. Zamani, N. (2019) [Reflections on Power] In Monk, G., polanco, m., Sinclair, S. & Winslade, J. (2020). Intercultural Counseling: Bridging the ‘Us’ and “Them’ Divide. San Diego, CA: Cognella.

  22. Zamani, N. (2019, October 19). Reflections on Vikki Reynolds’ AFTA Keynote in Oakland, CA. Retrieved from https://vikkireynoldsdotca.files.wordpress.com/2019/10/navid-zamani-reflection-reynolds-afta-keynote-2019.pdf

  23. Monk, G., & Zamani, N. (2018). Integrating Emerging Understandings of Neuropsychology and Affect for Narrative Therapy with Couples. In Postmodern Perspectives on Contemporary Counseling Issues.

  24. Alzendi, D., Zamani, N., and Ashour, A. (2017). A Study on Mental Health and Gender Based Violence amongst Iraqi Youth and Syrian families of Newcomers to San Diego, California.

  25. Zamani, N., Smith, G., and Monk, G. (2013). Online Forums as Definitional Ceremonies. Journal of Systemic Therapies: Vol.32, No. 4, pp. 1-18.