July 19, 2020 Collab Salon: How to live whilst dying? What children and young people with a Life Limiting Illness (LLI), can teach us about living

"Given the current realities of the COVID-19 pandemic the narratives around living and dying, choice and decision making, facing our own mortality, are all more paramount than ever and what is perceived as something that affects others and is ‘rare’ has come very much into everybody’s everyday life.  Whilst my work has always focused on children and families I hope the lessons they have taught me will be transferable to many situations and leave everyone with some thoughts to take away and consider both personally and professionally." Dr Claire Cooley, Kent United Kingdom

2020-08-16T17:07:49-04:00September 20th, 2019|Comments Off on July 19, 2020 Collab Salon: How to live whilst dying? What children and young people with a Life Limiting Illness (LLI), can teach us about living

OCTOBER 20, 2019: A Narrative Therapy Approach following in Michael White’s Footsteps to those Who Hear Voices

Over the last several months with the support of the Mental Health Services. Aalborg University Hospital, Christoffer Haugaard and David Epston have been applying the same methodology e.g. co-researching that led to Maisel, Epston and Borden(2004): Biting the Hand that Starves You: Inspiring Resistance to Anorexia/Bulimia(New York, WWNorton).  Responding to a request to invent a narrative therapy-inspired approach to the so-called 'chronic mentally ill', they prefer the term 'those who are spoken to by voices'. This approach takes up where Michael White left off in the 1990s with the 'power to our journeys' approach. The image is copyright by artist Magda Hertzberg.

2023-04-22T18:17:53-04:00October 30th, 2018|Comments Off on OCTOBER 20, 2019: A Narrative Therapy Approach following in Michael White’s Footsteps to those Who Hear Voices

June 16, 2019 Collab Salon: Different Species, Shared Stories

Daniel Angus will introduce us to PetSpace, The Headspace Primary Care and Youth Early Psychosis Program in Western Sydney, which has developed an innovative interspecies mental health program that offers a narrative informed therapy partnering with a variety of dogs, cats, horses and parrots as well as with humans. Young people registered in this program have learned how to support animals who are experiencing mental or physical health problems and in turn they learn about themselves by reflecting on their experience as an animal helper. Helping dogs experiencing anxiety or parrots who self harm have led to a variety of outcomes including the development of interspecies coping strategies, friendships among participants and reduced mental health symptoms for human helpers and animals. Working on a forthcoming book on interspecies communication, Jenny Freeman will respond to Dan's presentation as well as share a tale from her manuscript.

2021-06-26T06:49:28-04:00October 13th, 2018|3 Comments