Narrative Reverberations: Community Conversations Around the World and Across Narrative Generations

Sunday- Thursday, June 16-20, 2019

 17 Continuing Education Credits

Program Details

Sunday, June 16, 2019

Welcome, Introductions, Group Conversations & Collab Salon

12:30pm – 6:30 pm (5 CEs)

We began with a community-wide welcome and gathering overview before introducing our “intergenerational” theme with a surprise video, and description of Gaye Stockell & Marilyn O’Neill’s 1991 Community Consultation Approach. In small groups, we prepared for conducting narrative intergenerational interviews.  The afternoon ended with participation in the online June Collab Salon, Can young women who self-harm ‘cure’ parrots who self-harm? And other stories of interspecies communication and support.

Monday, June 17, 2019

Collaborative Community Conversations Across Narrative Generations

9am- 12:30 pm (3 CEs)

Using a Narrative Community Consultation format (O’Neill & Stockell 1991), we met in two groups to 1) interview our elders about their experiences of the past, present and future of Narrative Therapy; 2) interview fresher voices in the field about the most engaging ideas and practices in their work.

To learn more, click here:

Tuesday, June 17:  Innovations in Narrative Practice

Participants chose one of the following two workshops.

Narrative Responses to Climate Change with Video Project

Co-hosts Jenny Freeman (Berkeley California) and Etienne Proulx (Quebec, Canada).

9 am – 12:30 pm (3 CEs)

Location:  Barton’s Look out

What do narrative ideas and practices have to offer our clients, ourselves and the general public during times of global environmental challenges? How can we rise to the occasion? We, and those we serve, are unavoidably in relationship with climate change. Navigating polarities of avoidance and immobilized fear or despair, how do we make room for possibilities and visioning? Can we move into a fluid, creative response? Countless people are engaged in weaving restorative justice among humans and all life forms, for our beautiful Earth. Each of us have stirrings and unique gifts to offer. What are we called to?

To learn more, click here:

Narrative and the Body

Cohosts SuEllen Hamkins (Northampton MA),  Laure Maurin (Bordeaux, France) &  Lynne Rosen (L.A.)

9 am – 12:30 pm (3 CEs)

Location: The Projector House

We are simultaneously engaged in meaning-making and living in and among bodies. The Affective/Discursive Turn in psychotherapy invites us to explore the relationship between politics, culture, memory and embodiment in the context of decolonizing practices. Integrative work opens up possibilities for responding to habits of body, re-contextualizing dilemmas, engaging moral imagination, and re-populating lives in ways that support agency and movement toward preferences for living and relating.  We seek to bring forward therapeutic resources and practices that engage narrative meaning-making and cultivate healing somatic experiences.

To learn more, click here:

Full Group Gatherings

For our last two mornings, we gathered all together, doing our best to make creative use of our limited space.

 What happens when narrative therapy migrates?

9:00-12:30 pm (3 CEs)

 Pierre Blanc-Sahnoun (France) and Hanne Robenhagen (Denmark)

(with special guest marcela polanco)

Narrative therapy was originally born in Australia and New Zealand and at first spread in the Anglo-Saxons countries. Over the last 20 years, the practice and the ideas have migrated to various territories including Europe,  Japan,  Russia,  Asia, Africa and many other places.  What happens to the ideas and practice when they take root in various different cultures, invigorated  by cultural fertilization  and  their “re-performance” in other languages?

To learn more, click here:

Sustaining our spirit in the work

9:00-12:30 pm (3 CEs)

Location: Barton’s Lookout

Steve Gaddis (Founder/Director Narrative Therapy Initiative, Salem Massachusetts); Mona Klausing (Co-director, Narrative Initiatives San Diego) and Peggy Sax (Founder, Reauthoring Teaching) shared some of the enthusiasms and challenges our learning  communities experience as we work to sustain narrative practices in the future.  We also reflected in small groups to build on takeaways from this gathering.

To learn more, click here: