What Is Rich Story Development?

Michael White described narrative explorations as journeys with therapists as companions, guided by a range of therapeutic practices or maps. These journeys awake in people a sense of agency, a realization that they can actively shape their own lives. It is in this practice of ‘rich story development’ that the people who consult us gain an experience of coming to new and preferred ways of experiencing their lives. It is this preferred story that provides the person’s own answers and solutions to what is problematic.

Brief Description of Series

Maggie Carey, was a founding member of Narrative Practices Adelaide- the center Michael Whie started in 2008, just a few months before his untimely death. In this series, Maggie presents ideas and practices that she has gathered as a close associate of Michael’s – his writings, his ideas, his work. She respectfully extends Michael’s metaphors of story, maps and landscape to create an overall map, offering clear pathways to rich story development illustrated through three interviews.

 First Course in Series

An Introduction to Rich Story Development with Maggie Carey

The first course in this series draws from Maggie Carey’s June 2014 workshop in Shelburne, Vermont: Catching up with Narrative therapy: The Art of Going Slowly with Intent . Professionally filmed, this training event captured some of Maggie’s best teaching moments—a clear, concise and down-to-earth journey into topics about story development including the narrative metaphor, landscapes of stories, double listening, loitering with intent, mapping meaning and action, personal agency, listening for resonance, making links, and neurobiology. This exploration of the narrative approach will be aided by reference to an ‘overall’ map of narrative practice that facilitates some sense of knowing where we are in the conversation.

 Second Course in Series

Rich Story Development in Action: 3 Live Interviews with Maggie Carey

What does it look like in narrative practice to see problems as separate from persons, to take on a multi-storied approach, and to find openings to stories linking people to their know-how and skills? This five lesson course – the second course in our Rich Story Development series- begins where we left off in the course, An Introduction to Rich Story Development by demonstrating what a narrative interview actually looks like in practice. Each interview, illustrated on a whiteboard, shows key narrative principles in action, and specific interviewing skills guided by maps of narrative practice. Workshop participants are also involved through reflecting teamwork,  and responses to questions to Maggie about why she went the way she did in each interview. After reviewing the edited interviews, a small group of skillful narrative practitioners  and teachers from around of the world, each of whom has trained extensively with Maggie, come together to take a close look at what stands out to them.