The Collab Salon is an informal opportunity for Collab Members to learn from – and exchange with guest speakers around particular themes of shared interest.  We began this feature in January, 2015, with a sense of wonder and delight at what new technology is making possible.  Our “meetings on a cloud” occur on the third Sunday of each month at 5pm New York time. Each month we focus on a different theme as a  starter dough for invigorating conversation. Sometimes we feature our Narrative Online Faculty and at other times, we come together as equals around a particular shared interest area. Our meetings last about an hour (sometimes a bit longer, but not more than 1-1/2 hours).  Current members can also review our growing library of archived  Collab Salons that include a recording of the actual session as well as whichever materials were presented through powerpoint slides, video and/or written material. For more information- and to register- please check out The Collab Salon.

What’s the History of Collab Salon?

Join The Collab!

Re-authoring Teaching began in 2008, a few months after the untimely death of Michael White. The Narrative Practice & Collaborative Inquiry Study Group came together to continue our studies. After a few years, we changed our name to “The Collab.” Our online discussion forums generated rich conversation, an island of belonging and a sense of world-wide connection. Over time, we discovered increased intrigue with real-time connections, and a waning interest in discussion forums. Having received enthusiastic responses to the live webinar feature in our online courses, we decided to make real-time “meetings on a cloud” the central feature for The Collab.

Archived Collab Reflections

A heartfelt thank-you to all Collab Members who contributed so many ideas, experience knowledge and support, to give birth to this online learning community. We have now archived many lively conversations on a wide range of topics that you helped create as a foundation for current members of The Collab Salon to review- and add their own comments. You’ll recognize conversations such as on Perfection & Self-doubt; the nature and construction of mental disorders; families with small children; neighborly ways of being; narrative, the body and neurobiology; psychotic experience and discourse; working with men who use violence against their partners; inquiry infusions from David and Michael; be tough on the problem and love the person; thinking on one’s feet; paying it forward; collecting stories of hope; life’s third act; and being mortal. If you’ve gone on to other pursuits, maybe you’ll also come back to join our Collab Salon? We miss you!

How Do I Sign Up?


Click here to Become a member!


It only costs $100 USD annually to join -or renew membership- to the Collab. New members register here. Whether you are new or renewed, please sign up each month to reserve your space. Our Zoom Webinar plan has the capacity for up to 25 interactive video participants;  an additional 75 attendees can view the live session, and participate through a questions and answers dialog box with live or text answers.