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  • Narrative Practices & Emotions Book Launch
     March 4, 2024
     4:00 pm - 7:00 pm

 Book Launch

Narrative Practices & Emotions

40 + Ways to Support the Emergence of Flourishing Identities

with Marie-Nathalie Beaudoin & Gerald Monk

Monday, March 4, 2024, 4:00 -5:30 pm EST

 Three complimentary books to be raffled off

Zoom Link for Book Launch

This event is free for everyone. Registrants in the Narrative Practices and Emotions Workshop series can earn 13 CEs for the entire series. If you are a visitor, please consider Joining Re-Authoring Teaching or donating to help us sponsor similar events in the future. Norton has donated three complimentary books to be raffled off at the book launch.

Before joining us, please register on Zoom: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZIufu-vrjsuGtzJMpL0KRe_ei87tQAvvatJ

[zoom_api_link meeting_id=”86396700408″]

Brief Description of Book

Narrative Practices and Emotions is a beautifully crafted book that provides fresh perspectives for new and experienced practitioners on how to combine classic narrative therapy with the latest scholarship on the mind-body connection.

This inspiring text keeps a keen eye on the socio-cultural backdrop that is intimately shaping peoples’ lives while tapping into cutting-edge discoveries on mindfulness, interpersonal neurobiology, and positive psychology. Each chapter offers a wealth of clinical questions and embodied exercises. Conversation maps that provide important guideposts to practitioners are exemplified by engaging transcripts of therapeutic work.

As the book unfolds, readers discover a wide variety of ways to assist people of all ages in re-engaging with a meaningful life and sustaining well-being despite struggles with job search, parenting, conflicts, or even pre-verbal traumatic experiences. The compelling stories elegantly demonstrate that skillful conversations can invigorate hope and support the emergence of flourishing identities.

In conversation with each other and through a Q& A with participants, Marie-Nathalie and Gerald will share the experience of writing this book and what they value most.

Registrants are encouraged to read the book ahead of time. Here you can also get a 20% discount and free shipping on your book copy.

This event is free for everyone. Registrants in the Narrative Practices and Emotions Workshop series can earn 13 CEs for the entire series. If you are a visitor, please consider Joining Re-Authoring Teaching or donating to help us sponsor similar events in the future.

Narrative Practices and Emotions is a beautifully crafted book that provides fresh perspectives for new and experienced practitioners on how to combine classic narrative therapy with the latest scholarship on the mind-body connection.

This inspiring text keeps a keen eye on the socio-cultural backdrop that is intimately shaping peoples’ lives while tapping into cutting-edge discoveries on mindfulness, interpersonal neurobiology, and positive psychology. Each chapter offers a wealth of clinical questions and embodied exercises. Conversation maps that provide important guideposts to practitioners are exemplified by engaging transcripts of therapeutic work.

As the book unfolds, readers discover a wide variety of ways to assist people of all ages in re-engaging with a meaningful life and sustaining well-being despite struggles with job search, parenting, conflicts, or even pre-verbal traumatic experiences. The compelling stories elegantly demonstrate that skillful conversations can invigorate hope and support the emergence of flourishing identities.

In conversation with each other and through a Q& A with participants, Marie-Nathalie and Gerald will share the experience of writing this book and what they value most.

Registrants are encouraged to read the book ahead of time. Here you can also get a 20% discount and free shipping on your book copy.

This event is free for everyone. Registrants in the Narrative Practices and Emotions Workshop series can earn 13 CEs for the entire series. If you are a visitor, please consider Joining Re-Authoring Teaching or donating to help us sponsor similar events in the future.



with Marie-Nathalie Beaudoin & Gerald Monk.
Monday, March 4, 2024, 4:00-5:30 pm EST
Meeting room ID: 86396700408

Zoom Registration for event: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZIufu-vrjsuGtzJMpL0KRe_ei87tQAvvatJ