
December 20, 2020 Collab Salon: Becoming our practices: Interweaving the storied, embodied, affective and relations of power

Ian Percy continues to explore in his therapeutic work, and also in his teaching program, the interweaving of four interdependent dimensions of practice. He will present scenarios to illustrate some aspects of his weavings and wonderings. Along the way he will very briefly speak to: Upholding the precious traditions of narrative ethics; Sensory impressions in the making of storied lives; Interpreting mindfulness: body, ethics and inspiration; Situated affect; and Embodied/enacted power relations.

2020-12-22T13:08:07-05:00September 19th, 2019|0 Comments

December 15, 2019 Collab Salon: Applications of the Affective Turn

This presentation began with examining the contributions of the affective-discursive turn to the evolution of narrative therapy.  The affective turn - as described by Gerald Monk and Navid Zamani- is concerned with the connection between the mind, brain, and body, and its connection to the language of feelings, intentions, and choices which is both discursive and non-discursive. The turn to affect pays attention to what is beyond language and the discursive and focuses on what is located within the body. We shared exemplars of the turn to affect by exploring non-linear practice: integrating EMDR and Somatic therapies with Narrative Therapy as developed by Lynne Rosen; as well, Ian Percy  briefly consider ed some applications of ancient mindful attention skills to assist in recollecting, enacting and sustaining embodied and relationally-just affect.

2019-12-29T06:35:40-05:00October 16th, 2018|Comments Off on December 15, 2019 Collab Salon: Applications of the Affective Turn

December 2018 Collab Salon: Fields of kindness: An antidote to tyrannical devaluing

Somatic therapies and a resurgence of interest in affect are two significant trends in recent times. These movements invite narrative-oriented practitioners to pause and unpack what claims are being made and their implications. In exploring challenges and possibilities, we considered the dialogical features, affective tones, emotional depictions and embodied expressions of re-membering practices. The December 2018 Collab focused on a notion of relational fields in instituting new forms of everyday living, especially giving attention to expanding relational fields of kindness when tyrannical and devaluing voices seek to usurp a person’s voice and erase their knowing about their achievements.

2019-12-29T07:03:24-05:00January 31st, 2018|Comments Off on December 2018 Collab Salon: Fields of kindness: An antidote to tyrannical devaluing

December 2016 Collab Salon: Honoring histories and creating spaces for emerging practices

Narrative practices have evolved in many ways over the decades in response to changing professional, social and cultural contexts. In this Collab Salon, we unveil a new Re-authoring Teaching series that builds on our deep respect for narrative therapy while creating spaces for an interplay with other cherished approaches. What might become possible when the somatic and the linguistic shape therapeutic endeavors? How can we put language and understanding around an integration that resonates both philosophically and practically?

2019-12-29T08:04:23-05:00July 8th, 2016|Comments Off on December 2016 Collab Salon: Honoring histories and creating spaces for emerging practices

May 15, 2016 Collab Salon: Narrative and Mindfulness Practice

 With their shared backgrounds in both traditions, this discussion with David Paré (Ottawa, Canada) and Ian Percy (Perth, Australia)  lived up to its promise to be a generative examination of the integrative possibilities for mindfulness and narrative therapy. Thank you Ian and David for presenting such a stimulating and thought-provoking Collab Salon!

2019-12-29T08:24:27-05:00July 8th, 2016|Comments Off on May 15, 2016 Collab Salon: Narrative and Mindfulness Practice