Check out this sneak preview of the six lessons in our next course, An Introduction to Rich Story Development – now open for registration!

Lesson One: A Quick Outline

circle_number_icon_1Lesson Description:  What do we mean by rich story development? Maggie Carey – a close associate of Michael White- sets the stage for his course by introducing her context at Narrative Practices Adelaide in South Australia, and giving a brief review of several key concepts in narrative therapy: the narrative metaphor, externalizing conversations, literary theory, alternative storyline development and experiencing personal agency. Here is a little glimpse at Maggie offering a brief description of personal agency.

Guided by Maggie Carey, with Shona Russell, Rob Hall, Michael White, Lev Vygotsky and Gil Deleuze.

Lesson Two: Responding to the Problem Story

Lesson Description: Maggie shows how she builds on The Statement of Position Map to guide responding to the problem story, exploring the effects, creating reflecting surfaces and asking why. The lesson ends with showing how responding to the problem story can be a pathway to discover the preferred story. Here Maggie briefly introduces how she often uses a whiteboard to richly develop stories in her teaching, as well as when someone comes to consult with her.
Guided by: Maggie Carey with Michael White, and Peggy Sax 

Lesson Three: Developing the Preferred Story

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Lesson Description: In the third lesson, Maggie explores how narrative practice can render more visible a person’s preferred account of identity while making links with doing and experiencing. As taught by Michael White, Maggie enters into a person’s conceptual landscape of meaning, by attending to categories of meaning or identity. Additionally, she pays close attention to the particularities of the doing and experiencing-  listening for initiatives, making links, linking with themes and drawing out skills and know-how.
Guided by Maggie Carey, with Michael White, Lev Vygotsky, Russell Meares, William James and Paul Ricoeur

Lesson Four: An Overall Map

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Lesson Description: In this lesson, Maggie illustrates an overall map based on double listening to guide narrative practice, and loitering in rich story development. Putting narrative maps together, Maggie shows how describes the statement of position map and the re-authoring map can come together into one elegant map.
Guided by Maggie Carey, with Michael White, and Lev Vygotsky

Lesson Five: Neurobiology and Story Development

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Lesson Description: We explore many fascinating findings coming from neuruosciences. What are doing in developing stories has a correspondence with what is happening physically in the brain. These findings can support us in our practice, particularly in taking our time in developing detailed stories.
Guided by Maggie Carey, with Marie-Nathalie Beaudoin, Michael White, Lev Vygotsky and William James.

Lesson Six: Putting Ideas into Practice

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Lesson Description: Our final lesson puts ideas into practice. We try out an exercise done in pairs, and review four pathways to rich story development.
Guided by Maggie Carey, with Shona Russell, Peggy Sax, Michael White, and Lev Vygotsky.