News Blog

An Open Letter to The Narrative Community

We at Re-authoring Teaching hope to contribute to a richer conversation about how, as a community, we make space for useful dialogue about all the variations and emerging approaches. In a previous News Blog entitled What are Insider Witness Practices, we posted some background information in the hopes that by educating ourselves, we can each decide for ourselves about the value, ethics and possibilities for this set of practices in training, supervision and higher education. Below you will find links to the Newsletter that sparked the controversy, to a previous newsletter that ironically argued against handling differences in the narrative community in injurious ways, and to some initial responses from those who feel like the descriptions of Insider Witnessing Practices have been inaccurate and unfair, and who feel that the process by which these concerns have been aired involved questionable ethics and use of power. We also include some of our Board’s contributions as we reflect on Narrative Luminaries, Online Ethics, and our intentions to continue this conversation.  Please join us!

2025-01-24T00:11:57-05:00December 23rd, 2017|8 Comments

What are Insider Witness Practices?

Some of you may be aware that in the Vancouver School of Narrative Therapy December newsletter, Stephen Madigan wrote about Tom Carlson and David Epston’s recent work on Insider Witnessing Practices in a manner that many have found distressing. As narrative therapy continues to grow and evolve, we at Re-authoring Teaching hope to contribute to a richer conversation about how, as a community, we make space for dissent, worry, doubt, and concern about the various directions that the work will go. Many of the Re-authoring Teaching Board have had a chance to learn about IWP from its creators. We encourage you to explore the work as described by its creators, and then join the conversation about the value, ethics and possibilities for this set of practices in training, supervision and higher education.  

2019-02-03T06:28:08-05:00December 19th, 2017|0 Comments

Faculty Offerings – Beginning in September 2017!

Re-authoring Teaching has selected three Customized Faculty Consultation Groups as extensions of our training initiatives and to further build our global learning community. Wherever you are situated around the world, you are welcome to join us in real-time for these unique group experiences. Please sign up soon if you would like to register especially since these groups start in September/October. In addition, we include a unique apprenticeship training opportunity with David Epston, Tom Carlson & Kay Ingamells! Wherever you are situated around the world, you are welcome to join us in real-time for these enlivening group experiences.

2018-06-24T05:43:44-04:00August 7th, 2017|0 Comments

Our First Guest Blog

Thanks Jess for agreeing to write our first Guest Blog - a new feature on this website. Jess wrote these reflections after attending her first Narrative Therapy workshop (June 2017) sponsored by Re-authoring Teaching.  

2017-08-01T14:51:21-04:00July 30th, 2017|0 Comments

Narrative Therapy in Wonderland

From the get-go, engaging prose makes this book fun—yes, fun!—to read. Vivid transcripts reveal the powers children have when their imagination, ingenuity, and sense of humor are engaged. Creativity is central to narrative therapy, as is moving past one-size-fits-all solutions. It is refreshing to learn how the creative capacities of each child and family can be channeled towards elegant and often unique resolution of the challenges they face, and to see the 'wonderfulness' of [...]

2017-08-01T14:51:22-04:00September 29th, 2016|0 Comments

Register Now for Online Course with Larry Zucker!

Course Registration Now Open! Escaping Blame: Helping Couples Develop Account-ability with Larry Zucker, LCSW, has been in development for over a year. We are very excited to share the six lessons with you. The course draws from a range of multi-media resources with built-in opportunities to interact with Larry and with each other. Each lesson captures some of Larry's best teaching moments and then demonstrates the practices with clips from simulated interviews. We also explore transcripts, and provide exercises [...]

2017-08-01T14:51:22-04:00August 17th, 2016|0 Comments

Bridging Narrative Therapy, EMDR and Somatic Therapies

We are delighted to announce Lynne V. Rosen, LCSW as our newest member of our Re-authoring Teaching Faculty. Currently practicing in Los Angeles, California, Lynne has been engaged in therapeutic work for over 25 years in medical, residential, inpatient, community and private practice settings. She found her therapeutic and philosophical home in the early 90’s when she traveled to New York to hear Michael White and David Epston. Most recently, Lynne has focused her attention on integrating Narrative Therapy [...]

2017-08-01T14:51:23-04:00May 22nd, 2016|0 Comments

Narrative Therapy in Wonderland: April Collab Salon!

David Marsten David Epston Laurie Markham David Marsten, David Epston & Laurie Markham launch their new book. Narrative Therapy in Wonderland: Connecting with Children's Imaginative know-how will soon be published by WW Norton! This innovative book makes a significant contribution to recognizing and utilizing the power of children’s voices and imagination in narrative therapy. Join us for our first Collab Salon book launch - Sunday, April 17 @ [...]

2017-08-01T14:51:23-04:00March 26th, 2016|0 Comments

Maggie Carey’s Return to Vermont – Update!

Please note: Originally planned for Treleven Farm, Maggie Carey's Live Interviews workshop quickly sold out. We have moved the location to All Souls in Shelburne, Vermont to make more room. If you were on the waiting list - or hadn't yet gotten around to signing up - please register as soon as you can to ensure a spot! Registration is open for Maggie Carey workshops in Vermont - and filling up fast!  Both workshops put ideas into practice through discussion, [...]

2017-08-01T14:51:23-04:00March 5th, 2016|0 Comments

Narrative Therapy India

The Ummeed Child Development Center – one of the premier non-profit organizations in India working with children with disabilities- is taking a number of initiatives to offer trainings in narrative therapy. Along with Narrative Practices Adelaide, it is an honor for Re-authoring Teaching to partner with this group, to witness their commitment to high quality training, and to support their growing number of training initiatives.  The Ummeed Mental Health Teaching Team Jehanzeb Baldiwala [...]

2022-03-02T05:24:58-05:00February 22nd, 2016|0 Comments