Supporting All Whose Rights Are Being Attacked by the U.S Supreme Court

Re-authoring Teaching joins many voices in expressing our outrage at the recent decisions by the aggressively conservative U.S Supreme Court – overturning the constitutional right to abortion, expanded rights of gun owners to carry firearms in public, an erosion of the separation of church and state in public life and a sharp curtailing of the Biden administration’s power to combat climate change. Soon comes a decision on state legislatures’ power over elections. We cannot help wondering about the implications for other rights such as the access to birth control, marriage equality, Native American sovereign rights and trans rights. These developments are also sending shockwaves throughout the world. Re-Authoring teaching wishes we could stand close to every person, precious relationship and connection that has been and will be affected by these blatant attacks. While finding our bearings, we ask ourselves: What might help us remember that we are in the business of inspiring hope? Much of our work involves uncovering histories of struggle in fights not yet won, and celebrating stories that guide and encourage future efforts. With that in mind, there are many creative and hopeful efforts to share! We start with the following links to resources that can channel our anger into effective actions.

The Re-Authoring Teaching Board

Taking Action

“How we think about hope has all to do with whether we can maintain our own.”
Kaethe Weingarten

More than ever, we need each other to make it forward here.  Here are several resources that we find helpful (photos by Jordan Sax). Please help us strengthen our sense of community and reasonable hope, responding below with your comments and recommended resources.

What inspires you during these challenging times?

Please join us in meeting this moment with synergy, a sense of possibility and hope. Add your comments and resources below.