
Be tough on the problem- love the person

Piper Clyborn (March 18, 2012) Hi Everyone... This is such an exciting start to the conversation! I have appreciated reading everyone's responses so far and am gaining so many ideas from them! Thank you. My hope is growing. heart warmed to see your face and name on the screen. You are working in the field of addiction? Its validating to hear you have a hard time with the discourse and the field as well. What [...]

2017-08-01T14:51:30-04:00August 1st, 2015|0 Comments

‘Hooked: Secrets and highs of a sober addict’

by Melinda Ferguson   Recommended by Jo Vilogen. Jo says, Melinda is a South African journalist, celebrating her tenth year in recovery.  She says in her forward: "People often think that once you've stopped using the drugs and alcohol you are healed.  in reality it's only when you've stopped that the hard work of unraveling the self really begins.... this is a book about my journey to fill the hole in my soul:  the secrets, the [...]

2015-07-07T15:23:51-04:00November 26th, 2013|0 Comments

‘In my skin’

by Kate Holden Recommended by Sonja Bar-Am. Sonja says, This is Kate's memoir about her life addicted to heroin in the streets of Melbourne's seedy suburbs as a prostitute and making that a profession before getting clean. A remarkable and elegant story.  

2015-07-07T14:22:36-04:00November 26th, 2013|0 Comments