April 15, 2021 - December 31, 2029
12:00 am - 7:00 pm
Course Description
What does it look like in narrative practice to see problems as separate from persons, to take on a multi-storied approach, and to find openings to stories linking people to their know-how and skills? This five lesson course – the second course in our Rich Story Development series- begins where we left off in the course, An Introduction to Rich Story Development by demonstrating what a narrative interview actually looks like in practice. We look closely at three interviews with interviewer Maggie Carey in front of a live audience at All Souls Gathering in Shelburne, Vermont. Workshop participants reflect on and engage their own rich story development questions, and are also invited to ask Maggie questions about her questioning.
Each interview, illustrated on a whiteboard, shows key narrative principles in action, and specific interviewing skills guided by maps of narrative practice. Workshop participants are also involved through reflecting teamwork, and responses to questions to Maggie about why she went the way she did in each interview. After reviewing the edited interviews, a small group of skillful narrative practitioners and teachers from around of the world, each of whom has trained extensively with Maggie, come together to take a close look at what stands out to them.
Registration gives unlimited access to all course materials for personal use for an unlimited time. You can start this course at anytime: all course materials are available on-demand, and adaptable to personal schedules.
The course is in the process of being translated into Spanish and Russian.
Please select below from the multiple registration options offering 10 % discounts for Re-authoring Teaching Membership.
For an additional $25, registrants can earn 10 APA approved CE credits through Alliant International University.
Please contact us
- to request additional scholarship if needed for you to take this course.
- to request translation into another language when you believe there is sufficient interest.
- for an institutional rate if you wish to use these materials for other than personal use. We believe this course and its three interviews make excellent teaching materials for graduate training programs
Course Objectives
Participants will:
- Gain an understanding of an overall map of narrative practice that links various micro-practices of narrative therapy
- Synthesize an understanding of and engagement with rich story development
- Understand the importance of detailed inquiry in achieving rich story development
- Identify the process of rich story development through witnessing the visual mapping of conversations
- Demonstrate an ability to engage rich story development through reflecting team practices.

Maggie Carey
In this online course, Maggie Carey demonstrates narrative interviewing practices that she learned as a close associate of Michael White, co-founder of narrative therapy. Maggie was a founding member of Narrative Practices Adelaide, the center Michael started in 2008, just a few months before his untimely death. Alongside her colleagues Shona Russell and Rob Hall, she was involved in the teaching of narrative therapy and community work for many years, both in Australia and internationally. Prior to the establishment of NPA, Maggie was a cherished member of the Dulwich Centre teaching faculty. Now retired, Maggie thoroughly enjoys engaging with her home, gardens, family and community in Adelaide, S. Australia.
If you have already registered, click here to access the course:
Venue: Re-authoring Teaching Online Course
Our courses are self-paced. Each lesson takes about two hours. Anyone can start at any time.
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