Interdisciplinary dialogue

September 20, 2020 Collab Salon: Conversation between Liberation Psychology and Narrative ideas-practices

"In my undergraduate studies in El Salvador I was exposed to the writings of one of LP’s key contributors, the social psychologist Ignacio Martín-Baró, assassinated in 1989. His ideas and provocations resonated deeply with me, and even though my journey so far has been mostly as a therapist, I have tried to carry LP’s insights in some way or another. I was later introduced to Narrative therapy (NT) and its philosophical foundations in the master’s program in Marriage and Family Therapy at San Diego State University. I could not help but to draw connections between LP and NT, even though associated to different sub-fields of psychology and coming from distant parts of the world. This Collab session deliberately invites these two models into dialogue, with the goal of enriching one another, lifting up the value of interdisciplinarity, and for this case, emphasize how NT can benefit from approaches from the Global South." Juan Carlos García Rivera (Choco)

2025-01-22T23:25:33-05:00September 23rd, 2019|Comments Off on September 20, 2020 Collab Salon: Conversation between Liberation Psychology and Narrative ideas-practices

March 20, 2016 Collab Salon: Bridging Narrative Therapy and Psychiatry

What do narrative therapy and narrative psychiatry have in common?  Our three co-presenters took turns sharing different experiences with bridging narratively-informed psychotherapy, psychiatric care and mental health treatment. The conversation focused on about common core principles and practices for therapeutic conversations that foster resilience,  employ externalizing practices to develop culturally-contextualized understandings of problems that are separate from the person’s identity, and build on the family’s or individual’s values, cultural context and vision of well-being.

2021-06-15T05:16:48-04:00July 8th, 2016|Comments Off on March 20, 2016 Collab Salon: Bridging Narrative Therapy and Psychiatry