Finding wonderfulness

December 18, 2022 Collab Salon: The X-Powers Project: Calling up super-powers and wonderment, to subvert seemingly stuck stories

This Salon showcases highlights from our shared passion project of several years: the scouring for and nurturance of those unique client superpowers that can encourage courageous imaginations.  Building on the centrality of the narrative practice pantheon, we will share our uses of imaginative Know-How and inspirations from Narrative Therapy Wonderland. Client story examples will include, officiating mother-daughter family reunions, the case of the talking shower cricket, the protest power of panic attacks, and the giant misunderstood tarantula.

2023-12-26T14:35:12-05:00October 26th, 2021|Comments Off on December 18, 2022 Collab Salon: The X-Powers Project: Calling up super-powers and wonderment, to subvert seemingly stuck stories

July 19, 2020 Collab Salon: How to live whilst dying? What children and young people with a Life Limiting Illness (LLI), can teach us about living

"Given the current realities of the COVID-19 pandemic the narratives around living and dying, choice and decision making, facing our own mortality, are all more paramount than ever and what is perceived as something that affects others and is ‘rare’ has come very much into everybody’s everyday life.  Whilst my work has always focused on children and families I hope the lessons they have taught me will be transferable to many situations and leave everyone with some thoughts to take away and consider both personally and professionally." Dr Claire Cooley, Kent United Kingdom

2020-08-16T17:07:49-04:00September 20th, 2019|Comments Off on July 19, 2020 Collab Salon: How to live whilst dying? What children and young people with a Life Limiting Illness (LLI), can teach us about living

March 17, 2019 Collab Salon: How I have re-imagined my practice with ‘wonderfulness interviews’

Wonderfulness Enquiries (with children or Virtue Enquiries (with adults) have not only become the centrepiece of my  first sessions since David Epston introduced me to them a number of years ago, they have become the entire context for my practice. If you would like to learn how to bring the wonder of wonderfulness interviews into your work with anyone,  do join us! 

2020-01-07T17:47:34-05:00October 15th, 2018|Comments Off on March 17, 2019 Collab Salon: How I have re-imagined my practice with ‘wonderfulness interviews’

July 2015 Collab Salon: Imagining new possibilities with young people and their families

On July 19 @ 5pm New York Time), Laurie Markham & David Marsten shared reflections on imagining new possibilities with young people and their families. Drawing from their own work as well as their current book project with David Epston, their presentation ignited lively conversation. We had lots of requests for the slides and recording (see below). 

2019-12-29T08:32:48-05:00July 8th, 2016|Comments Off on July 2015 Collab Salon: Imagining new possibilities with young people and their families