Maggie Carey shows how to build on The Statement of Position Map to guide responding to the problem story, exploring the effects, creating reflecting surfaces and asking why. We briefly show how responding to the problem story can be a pathway to discover the preferred story.  These illustrations are from the online course, An Introduction to Rich Story Development.



Double Listening in Narrative Therapy

We introduce the narrative practice of Double Listening, which involves listening to the problem and also to accounts of what lies outside the problem.


Practice of Stepping Back

Maggie Carey describes the narrative practice of Stepping Back as creating a space where there is a belief that people are able to come up with solutions to their problems. Our jobs as therapists is to facilitate a connection to stories that make this space accessible, instead of being problem solvers for our clients.

Stepping out of the Problem Story

Maggie  offers a spatial description of the work of narrative therapy to help clients step out of the confined space of the problem story into a new territory of preferred, re-authored stories.

Responding to the Problem Story

Maggie Carey gives a spatial explanation of narrative approaches to re-authoring stories. She introduces the maps of the Problem Story and Preferred Story and their historical context in Narrative Therapy.