FKC- Archived lesson 2

Who are our intellectual ancestors?

Lesson Two: Philosophical & Historical Foundations for Narrative Therapy

Who are our intellectual ancestors? What kinds of developments have influenced the ideas guiding narrative therapy? Before joining this conversation, please review the materials in the second lesson Narrative Therapy: Foundations & Key Concepts (here). a brief orientation to postmodern approaches as a cultural phenomenon impacting the fields of philosophy, architecture, literature, music and other expressive arts. situating narrative practice as a development not only within the field of family therapy but rooted in post-structrualist philosophy, literary theory [...]

2015-08-08T09:55:15-04:00July 23rd, 2015|0 Comments

Lesson 2a & 3a) Foucault

Peggy Sax Those of us who had the privilege of knowing Michael White can remember how often he used the word “Joy.” Here is what he wrote about the joy he experienced reading Foucault: “Upon first reading Foucault on modern power, I experienced a special joy. This joy was in part due to his ability to unsettle what is taken-for-granted and routinely accepted, and to render the familiar strange and exotic. Apart from [...]

2017-08-01T14:51:34-04:00July 23rd, 2015|0 Comments

Lesson 2b) Continuing the Conversation with Chris Beels

Are you able to find the lovely article by Chris Beels called, "Some Historical Conditions for narrative work," followed by the ongoing conversation with Chris about this article (<a href="" target="_blank">here</a>)? Every time I feature Chris' article in a course, he responds enthusiastically. Whether through email or on the phone, I can"hear" him respond with a smile. Like most authors I know, Chris is so happy to know that his work is useful to us.. [...]

2015-08-08T10:21:00-04:00July 23rd, 2015|0 Comments

Conversation with Chris Beels

I am delighted that Chris Beels agreed to  respond to NPCI Study Group reflections and questions after reading his article, "Some Historical Conditions of Narrative Work" (in the Family Process 2009 special section on the legacy of Michael White). This conversation began September 10, 2009. Chris Beels: I'm happy to be a guest author. I think the best way for me to participate is by getting posts in the mail from Peggy rather [...]

2017-08-01T14:51:44-04:00July 18th, 2015|0 Comments