David Epston (Auckland, New Zealand) co-founder of narrative therapy alongside Michael White, brings a sense of wonder, adventure and innovation to his conversations and collaborations. What makes a good question? What guides inquiry in narrative therapy? What are some narrative lines of inquiry? The collaboration between David and Michael began in the late 1970s and continued for many years. David’s best-known publications are Narrative Means to Therapeutic Ends; White and Epston (1990), Playful Approaches to Serious Problems: Narrative Therapy with Children and Their Families; Maisel, Epston and Borden (2004), Biting The Hand That Starves You: Inspiring Resistance to Anorexia/Bulimia; Maisel, Epston and Borden (2004), and Narrative Therapy in Wonderland; Marsten, Epston, and Markham (2016).
For more information, please review: David Epston: Improvisations, innovations and collaborations.
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