Narrative Training Initiatives 2018-19

Over the past several months, our website has been experiencing significant technical glitches. Our sincere apologies for any frustrations these problems have contributed to your lives and work.  Dealing with these problems has brought forth much reflection leading to initiating some major improvements. Please join me in welcoming our new Reauthoring Teaching Team Members:

  •  Spirit Labs (Viet Nam): an excellent new technical Team who are step-by-step helping us bring our site back into tiptop shape;
  •  Kurt Broderson (Middlebury Vermont); Catherina & Axel Cojulun (Southern California), : Excellent community-minded  filmmakers and editors who are creating and developing excellent video recordings for upcoming training materials. 

Have a look below at some of our current training initiatives. Even better – Join us! Peggy Sax, Executive Director, Reauthoring Teaching.

Faculty Offerings

2019 Groups Forming Now!

A new round of customized Faculty Consultation Groups are scheduled to begin meeting through Zoom in January 2019. Wherever you are situated around the world, we invite you to join us in real-time for these opportunities to further develop your skills as a narrative practitioner.

The Collab Salon

Beginning in January 2015, the Collab discovered “Zoom” as a platform for faculty and members from around the world meet together informally in real time. These  “meetings on a cloud” always occur at 5pm (New York time) on the third Sunday of the month, lasting about an hour (sometimes a bit longer, but usually not more than 1-1/2 hours). Events are recorded, and then become available on-demand afterwards to all Collab Salon members including anyone not able to join in real time. All members are encouraged to share reflections, follow-up materials, and ideas for future Salons.  Have a look at what’s to come for the remainder of 2018 and in 2019.

Refreshing the Spirit of the Work

Our new Refreshing the Spirit of the Work Vermont workshop series has begun!  Read below for followup to Sasha Pilkington’s terrific workshop, and to learn about Narrative Camp June 14-21, 2019