Kaethe Weingarten

Kaethe Weingarten

A 1999 interview with Kaethe Weingarten conducted by Vicki Dickerson: This interview gives an excellent brief overview of the history of narrative therapy, and of the distinctions from other models of family therapy. Click here to review the interview.

Jill Freedman

Jill Freedman

In the USA, the Sandy Hook School shooting in Connecticut (December, 2012) weighed heavily on just about  everyone’s hearts and minds. It was so horrific beyond imagination.   In this brief radio interview,  Jill Freedman does a remarkable job showing how narratively-oriented questions can contribute to the public dialogue. What do you notice about what’s different about these questions from other approaches to trauma recovery? How do you think narrative approaches might add to public dialogues like this? Click here to listen to this brief interview.

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    • After reviewing each of the topics in this lesson,  please join us in the Narrative Therapy: Foundations & Key Concepts Forum where we have created a section for discussion on:

      Lesson 1 (FKC Forum): What is narrative therapy?