Over the past decade,  several higher education programs have emerged a leaders in preparing the next generation of narrative practitioners. Please help us list them here.

The Master of Narrative Therapy and Community Work

The Master of Narrative Therapy and Community Work is a collaboration between Dulwich Centre and University of Melbourne (Department of Social Work).

We are very excited about what this program is meaning for narrative ideas. It’s a practice-based program, with a wide-range of national and international teachers. It’s also been specifically designed to spark continual innovation in the field. Participants have graduated from Singapore, Canada, Australia, Spain, Hong Kong, Israel, Tanzania, Ireland, Chile, South Africa, Denmark, Mexico, New Zealand and the UK  and their innovative work is stretching the field.

Click here to read the flyer about this program.

San Diego State University Marriage & Family Therapy Program

San Diego State University’s Marriage and Family Therapy (MFT) Program is an intensive two-year full-time cohort model program offering extensive clinical experience and rigorous academic studies to prepare students to practice as highly competent entry-level MFT’s. The courses interweave four themes: multicultural development, social constructionist-relational vantage point, developmental view of behavior, and larger social context/systems. Narrative ideas and practices are woven throughout the program.

Graduates  are able to provide therapeutic services and facilitate related change processes with a focus on social justice in variety of settings. As students, they participate in learning and practicing systemic and social constructionist ideas through the culturally-infused curriculum, and intensive strength-based, community-focused clinical training.

For further information, click here.


The Taos Institute Ph.D. Program

The Taos Institute Ph.D. Program has its roots in social constructionist theory and practice. A number of graduates – and faculty- are highly trained in narrative therapy. The program is designed for mature professionals who wish to pursue a line of inquiry that will enrich their endeavors and speak to the concerns of a broader audience of scholars and practitioners.

The relationship between the Taos Institute and several Dutch and Belgian universities provides the opportunity for students, whose work is approved by the matriculating university, to receive a Ph.D. The Taos Institute provides advisory and supportive services, including focused research and theory workshops where students can explore their dissertation topic in detail with Taos faculty and other students. The Ph.D. is ultimately conferred by the related university.

For further information, click here.