David Epston Interview with Jane & Her Son

Here we will meet Jane and her son, Tim. Jane and her then partner, who both were involved with drugs, had Tim, then aged 2 and his sister removed from their care by the Child, Youth and Family Services(CYFS) after the death of two other children on account of their neglect. They were not charged with manslaughter or the lesser charge here in New Zealand “of failure to provide the necessities of life.’ Tim had many failed 14(?) foster/group home placements as he ‘weirded people out’. CYFS, In desperation, placed Tim and his sister in the custody of Jane’s brother. However, Jane’s brother phoned her one night sometime later saying he was returning Tim to her care the next day as he could no longer manage him. Although he had legal custody, Child Youth and Family Services, by law, gained the right to weekly surveil Tim in her care by a social work visitor. This meeting takes place after 2 years(104 visits) when CYFS has withdrawn any further surveillance.