You have created something extraordinary with Re-Authoring Teaching. It provides a place for so many of us to celebrate our love of narrative therapy. I’m excited to be part of things, in whatever ways fit best.

My practice is deeply informed by narrative therapy and additionally inclusive of somatic, ecological, contemplative, physiological and energetic wisdoms. Through Re-Authoring Teaching, I am connecting with people who similarly share an appreciation for interweaving diverse ways of knowing, doing and being, and for this I feel really grateful.

Renew Your Membership

Support the Re-Authoring Teaching Community

Thank you to all our Members for your ongoing support. What began as a Collab Salon membership has undergone a gradual transformation process into a Re-Authoring Teaching membership to support the entire mission of Re-authoring Teaching.  Guided by our vision of extending the legacy of narrative therapy to future generations, we seek to embody a spirit of collaboration and community to share expertise through training opportunities and online learning resources. With your help, we can support the continuing evolution of contemporary narrative therapy with a new generation of narrative practitioners, teachers, and leaders, building on the spirit of wonder, adventure, and innovation that Michael White and David Epston had envisioned.

In addition to supporting this site’s ongoing maintenance, your dues help us grow our narrative training options, bring together relevant resources for our 11 Hot Topics and one Burning Topic for the new Decade, and stock our YouTube channel with new innovative videos relevant to narrative practice. An annual membership to Re-Authoring Teaching includes:

While some people can afford to pay more,  others –  students, early career and/or folks living on tight fixed incomes- are challenged by every extra expense. Please choose the level that best fits with your current financial situation. We’ve made it easy to change accordingly in the future.

A member who does not wish to continue the subscription can easily cancel the recurring payment before the end of the 12 months.

Level Price Action
Sustaining Annual Membership

$120.00 per Year.

Subsidized Annual Membership

$90.00 per Year.

Semester Membership

$30.00 every 4 Months.

Patron's Lifelong Membership

$1,500.00 now.

Patron's Membership

$200.00 now.


If you can afford more, please consider making a tax-deductible donation. We promise we will put all our money to good use!

A Note to Recurring Members

Collab SalonThank you so much for your ongoing support of Re-Authoring Teaching! As you know,  December 17, 2023 was our last Collab Salon in its current form. Together, we celebrated what this project has meant to us collectively and individually, the fresh ideas and inspiration, and the importance of the community we’ve built. Now, we especially need your help to continue to grow our community.

Beginning in January 2024, we are switching everyone’s payment from Paypal to Stripe. We will need your help to make this shift for all of our recurrent members. Stay tuned to learn how.