Across Narrative Generations: Co-Sparking with Emerging Voices

Many mentors support local practitioners earlier in their careers, bringing narrative practice to higher education settings and workshops in Europe, Asia, North America, Latin America, Australia, and New Zealand. We witness- and take delight – in the emergence of new voices that contribute immeasurably to our learning community. We are co-learning together.

What I Learned From My Mentor

Across Narrative Generations: What I learned from my mentor is a new community project. With the help of film editor, Etienne Proulx, we created five short Youtube Videos from conversations at Narrative Camp 2019. These videos helped us start a new Youtube Playlist here .Please check out our new page that includes a contribution form to add your own video and audio recordings.

Additional Resources

In 2017, we started Emerging Voices as a section of our website. Our hope is to continue to strengthen, promote and illustrate co-learning side-by-side between narrative generations.

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Do you have something to contribute?

We’ve made it easy with an online form where you can provide us with your text and media files including images, video, PDFs, and links.  We look forward to hearing from you and doing our best to add as many contributions as we can to this rich resource! Please remember to honor confidentiality and to ensure permission.

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