Reauthoring Teaching is committed to bringing together a supportive network and narrative practice resource library available to higher education teachers and institutions. Narrative Educators Camp was the first step in making this dream into a reality. Together we are creating a Teaching Collaboratory that draws from the fruits of our labors as trainers, educators and researchers. Read below to get glimpse at what’s happening.

Co-Sparking into the Future

“Narrative Educators Camp” took place on Lake Champlain in Charlotte, Vermont from Saturday, June 17 to Tuesday, June 20, 2017. Twenty-eight colleagues engaged in higher education and post graduate training in narrative therapy shared innovative pedagogical approaches to classroom and online learning. While most of us spent the weekend lakeside, others were able to join us virtually through Zoom. Everything was professionally recorded  and is now being edited to add to Teaching topics in The Educators Portal, now under construction.


Technology – Creating a Collaboratory as Counter Story

Peggy Sax, at Narrative Educators Camp (2017) illustrates the ways using technology to augment the possibilities in creating a Teaching ColLABoratory can be a counterstory to the narrative of technology as frustrating and distracting, and how has become an innovative, online learning community with a focus on Higher Education.

Narrative Educators’ Network

We’re growing our network, and this directory shows the community of educators working together to co-create the teaching collaboratory behind the Educators Portal. This portal will build off of the spirit and ideas of the Vermont gathering of educators by providing a generative and supportive space for inspiration, conversation and resources specifically for those involved in narrative therapy teaching and education.

The Educators’ Portal

The June 2017 Vermont Educators Camp generated a wealth of  high quality narrative therapy teaching materials and ideas for how to stay connected and continue the process of co-sparking each others’ growth and experiences.  In addition to free YouTube videos available to the public, we are creating a space for our community of educators to work together to co-create the teaching collaboratory behind the Educators Portal. This portal will build off of the spirit and ideas of the Vermont gathering of educators by providing a generative and supportive space for inspiration, conversation and resources specifically for those involved in narrative therapy teaching and education. Have a look below for a glimpse at sections now underway.

Spotlight On

Reauthoring Teaching started the webpage Spotlight On to share particular discoveries innovating Narrative Practices in the classroom and/or training context. Together we put a spotlight on a unique teaching/learning experience with cascading opportunities to link classrooms across geography and contexts. Our vision is to give fellow educators an opportunity to share the Spotlight On with their students, and send in reflections, letters, songs, or whatever they wish in response—which will then be featured on the Student Voices page. Have a look at our first entry: A practice story about Travis and Ray!