Consilience: the linking together of principles from different disciplines especially when forming a comprehensive theory.

Sarah Hughes just came back from the Winds of Change conference in Toronto – a gathering that focused using innovative approaches in our work based on neurobiology ideas. In a conversation on “What intrigues you about narrative therapy?” she posted how “Consilience” has become the word of the week.

The idea of linking different ideas under a common umbrella is very relevant to me in my work, especially as I work with others to construct “Narrative in Action” online courses.
In my conversations with online faculty, I am seeing close up how seasoned narrative practitioners integrate many learnings/practices into their practice.

– Jenny Freeman (co-author of “Playful approaches to series problems) who uses sandtray work, EMDR, art and other expressive arts in her work with children and families.

– In my conversations with Larry Zucker – as we construct his course about working with couples- we have been talking about how narrative practitioners often work very differently from each other, yet share some commonalities in how we position ourselves.

What are the assumptions and ethics that bind together those of us who work from a narrative approach? If bringing together many different practices (“whatever it takes”), what positions us, and keeps us accountable to certain ethics?

I tried to capture some of these assumptions in the course, Narrative Therapy: Foundations & Key Concepts (Lesson 3: Three Key Concepts and Lesson Four “Four ethical considerations guiding a narrative approach.” I am sure this is not a comprehensive list. A lot seems to go unnoticed..Can you help us pay attention/notice what we might otherwise be taken for granted?

Sarah (and anyone else who was at the conference): What are some take-aways from this Winds of Change conference? What is your current thinking about consilience?

What is the relationship between consilience and confluence?

What else would you – or anyone – like to add here?

Thanks for helping capture this “cutting edge’ conversation!
