Most of all, we want you to know that we appreciate your work and how you’re connecting so many of us in the narrative community.
The experiences of community created by engagement in Reauthoring Teaching have been nothing short of astounding! The monthly online gatherings, CEU courses, consultation offerings, and collaborative Vermont workshops (gorgeous Vermont!) where everyone, regardless of experience, is a peer, continue to inform my personal and professional worlds every single day. A true global community in action!
Re-authoring Teaching is more than just a website. It is a global community of Narrative educators, practitioners, and enthusiasts who are welcoming and eager to share knowledge and resources through conversation (i.e. the monthly Collab Salon) as well as formal educational opportunities. As a bourgeoning Narrative practitioner, Re-Authoring Teaching feels like a village for me to come home to. Membership in this village has enriched my life — both personally and professionally — through the development of meaningful relationships, and knowledge and skills that nurture and guide my therapy practice.
Re-Authoring Teaching has a keen interest in the future of narrative therapy. Exemplified by the NextGen Collaboratory, this means that we think the future of Narrative Therapy is already creatively and competently in the hands of an emerging generation of leaders, innovators, and practitioners who are ensuring that the model continues to stretch, grow, and incorporate a greater diversity of cultural experience. Look at the plan for the first 6 NextGen Collabs; these themes are articulated, including cross-pollination with other fields of inquiry, working outside traditional therapy settings, and more.
Our Community Projects – Join Us!
Together, we are committed to preserving, developing, and extending the legacy of Narrative Therapy. We’re working to build a sense of close community that brings together the vast global network of narrative practitioners. In other words, we seek to embody that spirit of collaboration and community by being such a community. Look here to find out what peers, colleagues, teachers, and friends in the narrative world are up to, and join one of our Community Projects.
What I Learned From My Mentor
This new community project, linked to the Across Generations Hot Topic is building a Youtube playlist to capture learnings from cherished mentors. Please watch the videos and send in your video and audio contributions.
Further Building Community Initiatives

Our Partners
Together we are co-creating working relationships to generate collaborative training ventures with existing and new partners—a whole world of possibilities is emerging, and each partnership is unique. Reach out to us with your ideas!
Collaborative Narrative Network Training Calendar
In the spirit of communities in connection (rather than individuals in competition), our vision is to bring together a network of independent narrative training initiatives around the world that share the commitment to preserve, develop, and extend the legacy of narrative therapy.

Facebook Community
Check out Facebook for our latest news and opportunities to connect and contribute.
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