David Marsten

David Epston

Laurie Markham
David Marsten, David Epston & Laurie Markham launch their new book.
Narrative Therapy in Wonderland: Connecting with Children’s Imaginative know-how will soon be published by WW Norton! This innovative book makes a significant contribution to recognizing and utilizing the power of children’s voices and imagination in narrative therapy.
Join us for our first Collab Salon book launch – Sunday, April 17 @ 5pm New York time (Monday morning, April 18 @ 10am in Auckland, New Zealand)! A huge amount of work goes on behind the scenes toward publishing a book. We are delighted – and honored- to bring together people from around the world to learn more from the co-authors about their favorite highlights, and to celebrate this significant contribution.
Collab members can review the recording from our June 2015 Collab Salon: Imagining New Possibilities with Young People & Their Families. Soon we will also post something from the manuscript to read in preparation.
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Registration is now open for Collab Salon Members. Sign up early to reserve your space!
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