
Using the Internet in Productive & Socially Conscious Ways

Being online and being able to share practices across geographies is quite a marvelous thing. However the Internet can also readily become a place where a lot of damage is done in a very short period of time. The digital world is a space where perceived distance can lead to words being used that might not otherwise be used or words being used that can engage readers' imaginations in unproductive ways. We are all pioneers in [...]

2017-12-23T16:13:57-05:00December 23rd, 2010|0 Comments

Technology: Creating a Collaboratory as Counter Story

Peggy Sax, at Vermont Educator's Camp in June 2017, illustrates the ways using technology to augment the possibilities in creating a Teaching ColLABoratory can be a counterstory to the narrative of technology as frustrating and distracting, and how reauthoringteaching.com has become an innovative, online learning community with a focus on Higher Education.  

2017-11-19T08:10:55-05:00October 31st, 2010|0 Comments

Case Studies as Pedagogy

Case stories or teaching tales are widespread in every professional jurisdiction. They provide for something other than maps or manuals. They are primarily an oral literature that circulate in any profession from senior to junior, from peer to peer. They embody far more than the formalized and canonical 'rules and regulations' of manuals and the far more informal 'map' which proposes how you get from one place to another and what considerations you might [...]

2017-11-26T11:45:49-05:00October 23rd, 2010|0 Comments

Re-creating NT Elsewhere

What do we mean by "Narrative Therapy in Translation? How can different cultures make NT into their own cultural context(s) and local languages?  In David Epston's words,  This isn't Adelaide or Auckland! Re-Imagining Narrative Therapy Elsewhere. We welcome more contributions to this page. David Epston Keynote at Room Full of Stories- Mumbai, October 2016. Keynote by David Epston at A Room Full of Stories, International Narrative Therapy Conference, [...]

2017-12-31T08:56:35-05:00October 19th, 2010|0 Comments

Reflecting on Michael’s Intentions – NPA

 “Narrative Practices Adelaide" (NPA) has a strong desire to continue with Michael’s aims and intentions in a way that would fit with the sentiment of what he had proposed. "We see ourselves as a small, vibrant centre that collaborates with other centres and that acknowledges the rich and varied history of Michael’s work." Since then, Narrative Practices Adelaide has grown in offering counseling, training, supervision and connections. Maggie Carey, Rob Hall and Shona Russell reflected in 2011 on Michael's intentions for their centre, and for the future of narrative therapy.

2017-12-27T06:37:18-05:00September 16th, 2010|0 Comments