
July 2015 Collab: Imagining new possibilities with young people and their families

On July 19 @ 5pm New York Time), Laurie Markham & David Marsten shared reflections on imagining new possibilities with young people and their families. Drawing from their own work as well as their current book project with David Epston, their presentation ignited lively conversation. We had lots of requests for the slides and recording (see below). . THANK YOU! Now, we can hardly wait for Laurie and David to come back in 2016 for Re-authoring Teaching's first official Book Launch: Narrative Therapy in Wonderland with David Marsten, David Epston and Laurie Markham!

2019-11-09T17:35:27-05:00July 25th, 2015|0 Comments

June 21, 2015 Collab Salon: Teaching & Learning Narrative Therapy

Beginning with a brief overview of the course Narrative Therapy: Foundations & Key Concepts, Re-Authoring Teaching is setting up a Youtube channel. The archived materials below describe our first collective Youtube Project, which we are currently calling Why Narrative therapy?. We offer four questions to guide your responses, and instructions for making/sending recordings to Peggy or Charley. Together we can "create a collaboratory!" Please check out  the "Why Narrative Therapy?" Playlist on our new Youtube channel. Or have a look at our recent blog post that lists the first videos in this project.

2019-11-09T17:35:57-05:00June 25th, 2015|0 Comments

The Collab Salon Sign Up- Members Only!

This blog post is for Collab Members to sign up for the next Collab Salon. We meet on the third Sunday of the month @ 5pm, NYC time. Each month we will focus on a different theme. It’s free to Collab members! You just need to sign up each month so we will reserve you a spot.

2017-08-01T14:51:44-04:00May 18th, 2015|0 Comments

May 17, 2015 Collab Salon: Queer Counseling

As featured guest for our May Collab Salon, Charley Lang presented on the topic of Queer Counseling & Narrative Practice. Beginning with three definitions of "queer," he posed questions about how binaries are helpful and not helpful in our lives. Charley brought us through polarities, as expressed through a recent "pulp fiction" art project. Thank you, Charley for this presentation, and for being our Collab Salon co-host. Your keen intelligence, teaching skills and generosity of spirit are so appreciated by all. We look forward to more opportunities to learn from and with you!

2019-11-09T17:36:24-05:00May 14th, 2015|0 Comments

April, 2015 Collab Salon: Absent but Implicit

Thank you Maggie Carey for joining us for our April Collab session! Maggie presented on the ‘absent but implicit’ as a response to what has been problematic, and scaffolding this as an action. She also shared some thoughts about possible links between the ‘absent but implicit’ pathway and what is happening in the brain when we ask the questions that we do in using this pathway. Our plan was to show a couple of videos from Maggie's upcoming courses on Rich Story Development; however, we experienced a bit of techno/bandwidth difficulty. I will post the links to these videos below.

2019-11-09T17:36:51-05:00April 25th, 2015|1 Comment

Collab Salon, February, 2015: Escaping Blame

It was a thrill- a dream come true- to bring together people from around the world to exchange with Larry Zucker- and each other- about Larry's work with couples - Escaping blaming frames of reference and engaging a different approach to conversation. A big extra thank you to everyone who helped us officially launch The Collab Salon, and especially to Larry for your generosity and skill in bringing your ideas to us in this new format.

2019-11-09T17:38:23-05:00February 18th, 2015|0 Comments

Poems, Letters & Reflections

In honor of the 10th anniversary of Michael's death, we wish to evoke Michael's presence through images, videos, words, poems, art, performance and reflections.   Please fill out our contribution form here  and we will do our best to post them here.

2018-02-21T05:02:51-05:00September 15th, 2013|0 Comments

Vermont Training Events

Maggie Carey's two training events in June, 2014 left an indelible mark on Vermont. What comes next? We are in the process of planning a Narrative training series at Treleven Farm. As we firm up plans for our upcoming workshops, we will post them here: The art of narrative psychiatry SuEllen Hamkins, MD,  is planning a workshop at Treleven Farm (Vergennes, Vermont) in June 2015 (date to be announced soon)! Drawing from her knowledge and experience as a narrative psychiatrist, the workshop [...]

2017-08-01T14:51:53-04:00June 15th, 2013|1 Comment

Michael White Workshop Notes- Collab Salons

In the December 2015 Collab Salon, Linda Moxley opened a conversation about Recuperating Michael White and re-curiositizing narrative therapy. Sharing her meticulous notes from two of Michael White’s workshops (1991; 2007), Linda evoked Michael’s voice,  rescued the said from the saying, and captured some of his intentions and innovative thinking. She guided us to particularly pay attention to themes, shifts in language and zig-zagging. The January Collab Salon continued this conversation with a focus on bringing Michael’s inspiration forward into the future. These recordings and notes are visible to Collab Salon Members.

2018-01-20T12:24:34-05:00September 23rd, 2011|0 Comments