Queer Counseling- Archived Lesson 3

A queer umbrella for all

Lesson 3) A queer umbrella for all?

This forum is for conversation relating to the third lesson of Queer counseling & Narrative practice (A queer umbrella for all). This lesson includes:   the marginalizing effects of many religious beliefs on LGBTQ identified individuals, along with alternative paths to spiritual re-connection.  the challenges faced by many families when an adolescent “comes out” as LGBT or Q.  aAn award-winning film celebrating the first gay & lesbian prom in America.  an exercise engaging the narrative [...]

2015-08-08T10:36:51-04:00July 19th, 2015|0 Comments

Lesson 3a): Queer Lives & Spiritual leanings

Before posting, please review the article,  Queer lives & spiritual leanings by Charles Jasper here. This article describes the process of how some LGBTQ individuals are able to stay connected and become re-connected to spiritual values, despite the oppressive effects of homophobia and heterosexual dominance at the core of many religious teachings and practices. In what ways do you understand someone wanting to be a member of a religious group that doesn't want them as a member? How, if [...]

2015-08-08T10:37:42-04:00July 19th, 2015|0 Comments

Lesson 3b): Pathways for Parents

Before joining in, please read the article: Narrative therapy pathways for re-authoring with parents of adolescents coming out as lesbian, gay & bisexual by Susan Salzburg (here). Susan provides case examples of parents and teens employing narrative practices to re-claim their individual values and family relationships in the face of challenging cultural forces.  Special attention is paid to addressing multicultural issues of privilege, power, and the ‘coming-out’ process. What did you most appreciate about this article? How, if [...]

2015-08-08T10:38:05-04:00July 19th, 2015|0 Comments

Lesson 3d) Exploring heterosexism exercise

Come try out the exploring heterosexism exercise here. Which question(s) here stood out for you as most interesting and/or unexpected? Which question(s), if any, do you imagine being most helpful in separating an individual from the oppressive effects of heterosexism in the culture? October 6, 2014: Sarah Hughes Sarah HughesOctober 6, 2014: Sarah Hughes Hello, A memory that came to me since reading this exercise a few weeks ago [...]

2017-08-01T14:51:38-04:00July 19th, 2015|0 Comments