FKC- Archived Lesson 4

Four key ethical considerations

Reflections on Lesson 4 (FKC): Ethical considerations

Have you reviewed our fourth lesson Four Ethical Considerations Guiding a Narrative Approach (here)?  In this lesson, we consider several ethics guiding narrative practices: postmodern sensibility, therapeutic posture, our approaching people as the center of their own lives, and reckoning with power. Key ethical consideration #1: Postmodern sensibility Key Ethical Consideration #2: Decentered and influential therapeutic posture Key ethical consideration #3: People are the center of their own lives Key ethical consideration #4: Reckoning with power  

2017-08-01T14:51:35-04:00July 21st, 2015|0 Comments

Lesson 4b) Position of Decentered-influential

Cate Ryan: April 17, 2011 Hi All, We have been asked as a part of the Narrative Practices Adelaide certificate group to bring some questions from our readings and reflections on externalising conversations to the wider forum. Looking back at my reflection on the influence externalising conversation has on the formation of the support relationship, I am left wondering how we maintain the balance of power that exists between the ourselves as 'professionals' and those [...]

2017-08-01T14:51:36-04:00July 21st, 2015|0 Comments