
Some of us were lucky to attend one- or many of- Michael’s workshops. A number of people took clear notes of his presentations and have offered to share these with us. We include here two Collab Salons that focused on this topic. We welcome other contributions!

Michael White Presentations

We include here a few publicly available videos of Michael teaching including with Salvador Minuchin, presenting about Trauma, and a short audio piece. Did you attend Michael White workshops? Do you still have cassette tapes or notes from his earlier presentations? Have you looked forward to the opportunity to review these treasures?  We hope you will consider sharing these with us now!  Just fill out our contribution form here.  Please remember to honor confidentiality and to get permission when required. Due to legal restrictions, we can share recordings of teaching only when all references to actual therapeutic conversations have been removed. 

2024-10-07T01:02:48-04:00September 25th, 2011|0 Comments

Archived Notes from Workshops & Collab Salons

Michael gave many workshops around the world.  We begin this archive with a couple of Past Salons for Collab Members. Please fill out our contribution form here if you have contributions from Michael’s workshops. Remember to leave out transcripts of interviews and anything traceable to a specific clinical illustration.

2024-10-07T01:09:48-04:00September 24th, 2011|0 Comments