A remarkable team is working behind-the-scenes on continued development of our website, online courses, Higher Education materials and YouTube videos.These are the folks keeping the inner-workings of Re-Authoring Teaching running smoothly while dreaming up new ideas all the time! Together we are creating a collaboratory! A big thank you!

Meet Our Web-Development & Maintenance, and Video Production Team!

  • Peggy Sax
    Peggy Sax
    Visionary Director
  • Agilsoft Digital
    Agilsoft Digital
    Web Development Team
  • Ananya Broker Parekh
    Ananya Broker Parekh
    Illustrator and Storyteller
  • Larry Zucker
    Larry Zucker
    Tech Whiz, Video editor, and overall Mensch
  • Charley Lang
    Charley Lang
    Film Director and Video Editor
  • Justin Lakra
    Justin Lakra
    Film Editor
  • Ben Kreader
    Ben Kreader
    Technical Support
  • Kitty Thatcher
    Kitty Thatcher
    Community Engagement Support Person

Making It Happen

Thank you to all who help out at our Vermont workshops and camps! We could not put on these events without you.

Narrative camp 2019

Hot Topics Coordinators

Thank you to everyone stepping forward to become point persons for each of our Hot Topics for a New Decade

Jenny Freeman
Jenny Freeman
Earth’s Environmental Crises and Opportunities for Change
Sarah Hughes
Sarah Hughes
Michael White: Building on his legacy
Kay Ingamells
Kay Ingamells
David Epston: Improvisation, Innovations & Collaborations
Lynne Rosen
Lynne Rosen
Narrative Therapy, Trauma & The Affective Turn
Barbara (B) Herring
Barbara (B) Herring
Delving into Difference & Accountability
Akansha Vaswani-Bye
Akansha Vaswani-Bye
Across Narrative Generations: Co-Sparking with Emerging Voices
Akansha Vaswani-Bye
Akansha Vaswani-Bye
Narrative Practices Around the World: Intercultural Considerations
Sasha Pilkington
Sasha Pilkington
Narrative Skill Development
Larry Zucker
Larry Zucker
Narrative Practice Applied to Particular Areas
Peggy Sax
Peggy Sax
Strengthening a Collaborative Narrative Network
Akansha Vaswani-Bye
Akansha Vaswani-Bye
Teaching & Supervision
Amy Druker & Sumie Ishikawa
Amy Druker & Sumie Ishikawa
Refreshing Our Spirit in the Work

Become a Volunteer!

Re-authoring Teaching is a group effort. Please let us know if you would like to participate further by contributing to particular Hot Topics, or if you would like to help with tasks for workshops and Narrative Camp.

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