Re-Authoring Teaching began in 2008, shortly after the untimely passing of Michael White, the co-founder of narrative therapy, with the vision of creating opportunities for community members to continue learning from and sharing knowledge with each other. Guided by the vision of becoming an island of belonging, our original study group soon became a place where people drawn to narrative practice and other collaborative approaches could find each other across geographic distances and build a learning community that transcends geography, professional status, and other differences.
Creating a Collaboratory
Peggy Sax, at Vermont Educator’s Camp in June 2017, illustrates the ways using technology to augment the possibilities in creating a Teaching ColLABoratory can be a counterstory to the narrative of technology as frustrating and distracting and how has become an innovative, online learning community with a focus on Higher Education.
Inspired by the Book
This website and its offerings, always growing and developing, draw from and extend discoveries explored in Peggy Sax’s book Re-Authoring Teaching: Creating a Collaboratory by Peggy Sax, PhD.

“The online medium has opened up vast new possibilities for sharing and learning that could be adapted by nearly any teacher, in almost any topic, but seem to be particularly suited for teaching narrative and other post-modern therapies. In fact, when I introduced the online aspect to my teaching, the interactive website became “the tail that wagged the dog.” Rather than just being an interesting and somewhat useful adjunct, it has opened up entire new vistas of possibilities regarding interconnections, learning communities, bringing in multiple voices in addition to the teacher and student, and bridging the gap between teacher and students.” Lynn Hoffman
To read reviews of Re-authoring Teaching: Creating a Collaboratory, book flyer click here.
Thanks to the help of friends, the book flyer is also in Spanish here.
To read additional reviews see:
- Re-entering the Collaboratory by Bobbi Rood (Explorations: An E-Journal of Narrative Practice, 2010, #2)
- Responding to Peggy Sax’s Re-authoring Teaching: Creating a collaboratory by Laura Béres, Piper Clyborne and Luke Quinn – with responses from, “Wendy” and Peggy Sax (pdf)
- To read the foreword by David Epston, click here.
(Note: these files require Acrobat Reader which can be downloaded here)