What role does listening play in narrative practice and in rich story development. Pam Burr Smith, Ken Potter & Don McGillivray describe some of the influence of narrative therapy on how they approach their work, listening with a narrative ear. Maggie Carey describes listening in a decentered way and Double Listening. Please consider contributing  some of your own!

Listening with a Narrative Ear

Pam Burr Smith, Ken Potter & Don McGillivray describe some of the influence of narrative therapy on how they approach their work. Conversation took place on veranda of lakeside cottage in Charlotte, Vermont in June 2016.

Listening in Narrative Therapy

Maggie Carey describes how crucial listening in a decentered way is in Narrative therapy.


Double Listening in Narrative Therapy

Maggie introduces the narrative practice of Double Listening, which involves listening to the problem and also to accounts of what lies outside the problem..