
Maggie Carey Workshops! Refreshing the Spirit of the Work

A big thank-you to Maggie Carey who gave us an invigorating and restorative four days of training in beautiful Vermont,  June 10-13, 2014. Maggie Carey’s workshops were co-sponsored by Union Institute & University and Re-authoring Teaching. We were thrilled to welcome Maggie Carey to guide our third "Extending Narrative Practice: Refreshing the Spirit of the Work" gathering at the All Souls Gathering, in Shelburne, Vermont and at Treleven Farm in Vergennes, Vermont.

2022-05-24T13:36:15-04:00June 15th, 2014|7 Comments

Narrative Therapy & Interpersonal Neurobiology

The workshop guided participants though discussions on how neurobiology conceptualizes the brain’s structure and a concept of mind, its relationship to memory and emotional systems, and the role of mindfulness in clinical practice. Drawing from the current literature and utilizing clinical examples, Jeff compared and contrasted ideas from the neurosciences with those from Narrative Therapy.

2023-03-20T07:49:32-04:00November 25th, 2013|0 Comments