Collab Reviews

‘Hooked: Secrets and highs of a sober addict’

by Melinda Ferguson   Recommended by Jo Vilogen. Jo says, Melinda is a South African journalist, celebrating her tenth year in recovery.  She says in her forward: "People often think that once you've stopped using the drugs and alcohol you are healed.  in reality it's only when you've stopped that the hard work of unraveling the self really begins.... this is a book about my journey to fill the hole in my soul:  the secrets, the [...]

2015-07-07T15:23:51-04:00November 26th, 2013|0 Comments

‘The Danish girl’

by David Ebershoff Recommended by Sonja Bar-Am. Sonja says, This is a lovely, lovely novel - a delicate rendering of a marriage in which the husband emerges as transgender - really fascinating tale about the intimacy of the marriage.

2015-07-07T14:21:53-04:00November 26th, 2013|0 Comments

‘In my skin’

by Kate Holden Recommended by Sonja Bar-Am. Sonja says, This is Kate's memoir about her life addicted to heroin in the streets of Melbourne's seedy suburbs as a prostitute and making that a profession before getting clean. A remarkable and elegant story.  

2015-07-07T14:22:36-04:00November 26th, 2013|0 Comments

‘I never promised you a rose garden’

by Joanne Greenberg Recommended by Sonja Bar-Am. Sonja says, I am reading this 1970s Mental Heath classic novel. This is my first time and quite honestly it is one of the most beautiful stories about one young women’s struggle with severe Mental Health disturbances. Peggy says, When I was a teenager, "I Never Promised You a Rose Garden" was one of my absolute favorite books!  

2015-07-07T14:22:12-04:00November 26th, 2013|0 Comments