Are you teaching at an academic institution? Are you looking for others who are teaching or researching narrative practice? Are you in search of narrative teaching materials? Our Partners, Workshop Presenters, Narrative Online Faculty and Educators Camp participants are working together to build a supportive network and narrative practice resource library available to higher education teachers and institutions.

Narrative Educators Camp Follow-up!

“Narrative Educators Camp” took place on Lake Champlain in Charlotte, Vermont from Saturday, June 17 to Tuesday, June 20, 2017. Twenty-eight colleagues engaged in higher education and post graduate training in narrative therapy shared innovative pedagogical approaches to classroom and online learning. While most of us spent the weekend lakeside, others were able to join us virtually through Zoom. Everything was recorded by filmmaker Cindy Parrish! Follow this link for follow-up to this event.

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Follow-up to Educators' Camp

Co-sparking into the Future - Watch this video highlighting the spirit of the camp, and get a glimpse of what's happening behind-the-scenes.
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