Delving into Difference & Accountability

As narrative practitioners, enthusiasts, and teachers, we wish to embody the values and practices that we believe in around difference, race, power, and accountability. Many ask themselves during these historic and troubling times: What actions can we take today and every day? We have condensed our YouTube playlist to highlight a few choice videos, added practical tools to share with others, and updated our podcasts, websites, relevant Collab Salons, and other resources Addressing Racism & Anti-Blackness Attitudes, For Kids & Families, and Taking Action.

Delving into Difference & Accountability

Team of Curators: Kathie Adams, Barbara Herring (Coordinator), Mona Klausing, Kevin O’Bryan, Rocio Ocampo-Giancola, Peggy Sax, Akansha Vaswani

Do not get lost in a sea of despair. Do not become bitter or hostile. Be hopeful, be optimistic. Never, ever be afraid to make some noise and get in good trouble, necessary trouble. We will find a way to make a way out of no way.” – John Lewis

Stop Asian American Pacific Islands (AAPI) Hate
Reauthoring Teaching Board Statement

The Re-authoring Teaching Board fully endorses the statement by the Auntie Sewing Squad in response to Asian American Pacific Islands (AAPI) violence. Founded by Kristina Wong in Los Angeles,  this group of self-sufficient volunteers gives their time, talent, materials and labor to sew and deliver masks to people who need them most. Our board member, Kathie Adams is a member of this group, having been sewing masks throughout the pandemic, and donating them to the Auntie Sewing Squad for their distribution to the most marginalized communities. We share your heartbreak and anger at the deadly violence that occurred in Georgia on March 16, 2021. We mourn those who were killed, most of whom were Asian/Asian American women, and stand in solidarity with their loved ones. We are alarmed by the broader context of escalating anti-Asian violence.

Black Lives Matter, Ending Police Brutality, Standing Up for Justice
Reauthoring Teaching Board Statement

Picture by Hust & Wilson for Fine Acts

Black Lives Matter. Matters. Narrative Therapy has “mattering” at its heart. It has always been about helping people re-story and restore their lives according to their own deeply held values, according to what matters to them. We’ve long sought to support people in finding ways to resist the individualizing, psychologizing, decontextualizing, and pathologizing descriptions of their struggles that much of the world—and much of our field—reproduce and reinforce.

But the time has come for us to acknowledge the insufficiency of our past efforts….

BIPOC Narrative Community

This community is for postmodern therapists and students who identify as Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC) and who want to learn more about, deepen their practice, and expand upon Narrative therapy. Group created on June 20, 2020.

Curated Resources

There are so many resources! We’re doing our best to review and curate ones that really stand out to us. We welcome your contributions (see below)

Related Collabs

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Do you have something to contribute?

We’ve made it easy with an online form where you can provide us with your text and media files including images, video, PDFs, and links.  We look forward to hearing from you and doing our best to add as many contributions as we can to this rich resource! Please remember to honor confidentiality and to ensure permission.

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