The Collab Salon offers a number of opportunities for members to engage with online faculty and members from around the world. The Collab Salon focuses on monthly real time “meetings on a cloud,”  with an additional three “starter dough’ options for continued conversation outside of the monthly meetings:  1. A library of archived online reflections; 2. Space for comments on current and past Collab Salons; 3. Our updated Facebook page. Come join the conversation!

Library of Archived Collab Reflections

The Collab — formerly called The Narrative Practice & Collaborative Inquiry Study Group – began a few months after Michael White’s sudden death, as an effort to bring together people who wish to continue to study narrative practice. We’ve gone through seven years of archived conversations to select a few favorites that give voice to the exceptional online learning community co-created by members from around the world. A heart-felt thank you to all who contributed.

Members, come see what we have co-created! Current members also have the option to add some of your own comments and questions at the bottom of each post.

Past Collab Salons – Open for Reflections!

Beginning in January, 2015, The Collab discovered “Zoom” for faculty and members from around the world meet together informally in real time. Each month we focus on a different theme as a  starter dough for invigorating conversation. Members can join us in real time and also review archived materials from past Salons. Members can access past Salons and add comments and questions at the bottom of each post.

Re-authoring Teaching Facebook

Join us on Facebook to see what we’ve been talking about lately, and to start your own topics.